Page 26 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
P. 26
Rabbi Yitzchak Blau
The Unique Quality of
torat chesed
hazal say that Rosh fruit while not destroying the the principal; it increases it. Thus,
Hashanah is the day that root principal. Giving birth and Torah study for the purpose of
Chumanity was created, growing produce are aspects of the teaching takes on a new dimension
arguably the greatest act of chesed in world that approach this ideal of in which we emulate G-d in creating
history. Thus, it is not surprising to maintaining the principal. bounty and blessing without any
discover that Rav Yitzchak Hutner diminution. This is the ideal of
dedicated several articles to the Rav Hutner frequently works off Torat Chesed.
topic of benevolence in his Pachad the Maharal and does here as well.
Yitzchak on Rosh Hashanah. The After the war against the four kings, I would like to add one aspect of the
volume begins with a Kuntress G-d reassures Avraham: “Do not be Maharal’s commentary not cited by
HaChesed. This brief essay explores afraid, Avraham. I will protect you; Rav Hutner. The Mishnah mentions
the second piece in that series. your reward will be exceedingly honoring parents, acts of kindness,
great” (Bereishit 15:1). According fostering peace between others,
The Gemara (Sukkah 49b) to the Maharal, the biblical word and Torah study, as items which
differentiates between a Torat for protect, magen, alludes to its generate fruit without diluting the
Chesed (Torah of loving-kindness), Aramaic meaning of “nothing.” principal. The Maharal suggests
involving learning in order to teach, Avraham, as the paradigm of that this Mishnah incorporates
and a Torah not of chesed, when chesed, receives a great reward three models of chesed. One pays
a person learns only for himself. that subtracts nothing from the back a debt of gratitude and is
In accordance with his consistent principal. absolutely obligatory (honoring
literary sensitivity, Rav Hutner parents), one is fully voluntary
analyzes the terminology very Human acts of kindness come close (gemilut chasadim), and one is
carefully. The reference is not to to the ideal of not diminishing the somewhere in between (making
Torah and chesed but to a Torat principal. Of course, most acts of peace). If so, all the examples in the
Chesed. If a person reads Torah compassion do reduce the principal. Mishnah highlight the uniqueness
to a blind individual, that person If I give you a slice of cake, then I no of chesed as a mitzvah that provides
engages in both Torah and chesed. longer have that slice. Rav Hutner fruit without any loss.
Yet that does not constitute a Torat explains that once compassion
Chesed. Apparently, the compassion is manifest in physicality, the The Mishnah then proceeds to
element redefines the nature and corporeal nature of physicality state that Torah learning equals
quality of the Torah being studied. mandates that giving entails a loss. all other mitzvot. For Rav Hutner,
How does this work? However, some giving, such as this must refer to the Torat Chesed
the teaching of Torah, transcends in which people learn and share
The Mishnah (Peah 1:1) states physical limitations and allows for a their insightful knowledge with
that a person who performs acts gift that causes no diminution. others. Such study creates a unique
of kindness merits to eat the fruit dynamic in which sharing and
of reward in this world while Indeed, someone who teaches a giving leads to increased abundance
the principal reward remains for profound Torah idea still retains for both giver and recipient.
the World to Come. Rav Hutner that idea. Even more so, he or
explains that every human she actually benefits from that
expression of benevolence is an act teaching. As Chazal note (Ta’anit 1 Devarim Rabbah 1:13, Lieberman edition.
of emulating G-d. The primordial 7a), a person learns the most from 2 Gevurat Hashem 6.
divine act of compassion was the his or her students. Experienced
creation of the world yesh me’ayin teachers confirm that preparing 3 See Bava Kama 85a.
(ex nihilo). Clearly, that act would shiurim, delivering shiurim, and
not involve the loss of the principal hearing student comments and Rabbi Yitzchak Blau is a Rosh Yeshiva at
since the world emerged out of questions all profoundly enhance Yeshivat Orayta. He is the author of Fresh
nothingness. Thus, we associate their own understanding. Sharing Fruit and Vintage Wine: The Ethics and
benevolence with producing Torah not only does not diminish Wisdom of the Aggada
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