Page 24 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
P. 24

Rabbi Shalom Rosner

                      the ultimate

               month before Rosh Hasha-      after excuse. “Don’t worry, he’s    yearns to rejoin his people in the
               nah, the sound of the         surely splitting up spoils, enjoying   Chosen Land. He comes of his own
        A shofar is what inspires            himself on the battlefield.” Only as   volition based on his own choosing.
        within us the mood for these awe-    the sun sets on Sisera, literally and
        some and life-shaping days. It is    figuratively, the reality sets in and   The second awakening also merits
        the tool which according to the      she cries uncontrollably for her lost   a bracha. It is from a kosher animal
        Rambam (Teshuva 3:4) is needed       son. When someone is confronted     but  represents  a lesser quality
        to wake us up from our spiri-        with  the  stark  truth,  with  the   awakening. One who comes for
        tual slumber. The shofar tells us    reality unclothed from excuses and   nationalistic reasons. It is a Jewish
        to  wake  up from sleepwalking       masks, there is an intense and deep   State,  I feel  proud in  Israel, I  feel
        through life and get on the teshuva   recognition, which is painful but   comfortable  amongst  exclusively
        (repentance) train.                  ultimately helpful in dealing with   fellow Jews. This is also a kosher
                                                                                 sound, albeit second tier.
                                             life’s situations.
        Our minhag is to blow many more
        sounds than what is minimally        Rosh Hashanah is a day to seek out   Finally, Rav Kook explained, as
        required. Tosfot  (Rosh Hashanah     our reality, to look at ourselves in   he  started  to  cry,  there  is  a  third
        33b) quotes from earlier sources     the mirror, letting all the excuses   shofar, not a shofar of choice, but a
        that the 100 round number that       fall away. With a clear and direct   shofar forced upon us, when it’s not
        klal Yisrael has accepted to blow is   outlook, we need to ask what G-d   the pull from within but the push
        meant to remind us of the cries of   wants, demands, and expects of      from without, when the shofar of
        Sisera’s mother. When Sisera did     me? How can I truthfully and fully   terror and antisemitism forces Jews
        not return from battle against the   fulfill my potential in all areas   to return to their roots, to the place
        Jews, his mother cried 100 wails,    of  Torah,  Avodah  and  Gemilut    which will always accept them. Yes,
        and that is remembered in the Rosh   Chasadim? And let’s add one         it is also a shofar of redemption,
        Hashanah service.                    more: how can I maximize my         but it is a painful and difficult one,
                                                                                 so no bracha is recited.
        The question is obvious. Sisera’s    connection to our homeland, to the
        mother?    Is  that   the   most     Land of our forefathers?            We pray each day  ל ֹוד ָּג  ר ָ פֹו ׁש ְּ ב  ע ַ ק ְּ ת
                                                                                 ּונ ֵ תּור ֵ ח ְ ל. Sound the  great  shofar for
        appropriate person for us to         On Rosh Hashanah 5694, in the fall   our freedom. All Jews should be
        invoke on this holiest of days?      of 1933, Rav Kook gave a  drasha
        Surely there are many other more     explaining that there are three     inspired by the ‘great shofar,’ by
                                                                                 holiness  and  purity,  by  the  pull
        appropriate women who should be      halachic levels of shofars. The     and not the push. Let all Jews see
        filling our national memory today?   preferred is a ram’s horn. Next level
        An antisemitic general who took      is a horn from any kosher animal,   the reality of what Eretz Yisrael
                                                                                 should mean to them and how they
        pleasure in fighting our nation,     except for a cow. Finally, if there is   should shape their lives with Eretz
        and who symbolizes so much evil?                                         Yisrael at the center. Let this year
        What are Chazal trying to teach      no kosher animal shofar available,   truly be a year of  kibbutz galuyot
        us?                                  one should use a non-kosher
                                             animal shofar, but no bracha can be   (ingathering  of  the  exiles)  of the
        Let us examine the story in          made.                               highest caliber, the ‘great shofar’
        Shoftim to try to put ourselves into                                     reining in all Jews to come home,
        the mind of Sisera’s mother:         Rav Kook homiletically explained    back to the palace and the Beit
                                             that there are three awakenings     HaMikdash.
        She was looking out the window,      of Jews to join the redemption
        waiting impatiently for her son to   process. The first is the ‘great
        return. “Where is my adorable son?   shofar’– when a Jew is inspired, he   Rabbi Shalom  Rosner is a Rebbe at
        When will he return?” Her friends    feels the pull, he feels the spiritual   Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh and Rabbi of
        calmed  her, suggesting excuse       magnet in his deepest core, as he   the Nofei HaShemesh community

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