Page 21 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
P. 21

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

        Of a White Christmas.” Felix         look after itself for a day while you   the challenges without fear and
        Mendelssohn, grandson of one         celebrate the good things that come   inspiring others to do likewise.
        of the first “enlightened” Jews,     not from working but resting, not
        Moses    Mendelssohn,  composed      from buying but enjoying, the gifts   What Moses meant in those
        church music and rehabilitated       you have had all along but did not   extraordinary  words,  “It  is  not  up
        Bach’s long-neglected St. Matthew    have time to appreciate.            in heaven …nor is it beyond the
        Passion. Simone Weil, one of the                                         sea,” (Deuteronomy. 30:12-13) was:
        deepest Christian thinkers of the    In Judaism, G-d is close. He is there   Kinderlach, your parents trembled
        20th century, described by Albert    in the poetry of the Psalms. He is   when they heard the voice of G-d
        Camus as “the only great spirit of our   there listening in to our debates as   at Sinai. They were overwhelmed.
        times” was born to Jewish parents.   we study a page of the Talmud or    They said: if we hear any more we
        So was Edith Stein, celebrated by    offer new interpretations of ancient   will die. So G-d found ways in which
        the Catholic Church as a saint and   texts. He is there in the joy of the   you could meet Him without being
        martyr, but murdered in Auschwitz    festivals, the  tears  of  Tisha  B’Av,   overwhelmed. Yes, He is Creator,
        because to the Nazis she was a Jew.   the echoes of the shofar of Rosh   Sovereign, supreme power, first
        And so on.                           Hashanah and the contrition of Yom   cause, mover of the planets and the
                                             Kippur. He is there in the very air of   stars. But He is also parent, partner,
        Was it the failure of Europe to accept   the Land of Israel and the stones of   lover, friend. He is  Shechinah, from
        the Jewishness of Jews and Judaism?   Jerusalem, where the oldest of the   shachen, meaning the neighbor next
        Was it Judaism’s failure to confront   old and the newest of the new mingle   door.
        the challenge? The phenomenon        together like close friends.
        is so complex it defies any simple                                       So thank Him every morning for the
        explanation. But in the process, we   G-d is near. Judaism needed no     gift of life. Say the Shema twice daily
        lost great art, great intellect, great   cathedrals, no monasteries, no   for the gift of love. Join your voice
        spirits and minds.                   abstruse theologies, no metaphysical   to others in prayer so that His spirit
                                             ingenuities, beautiful though all
        To some extent, the situation has    these are, because for us G-d is the   may flow through you, giving you the
        changed both in Israel and the       G-d of everyone and everywhere,     strength  and  courage  to  change  the
        Diaspora. There has been much        who has time for each of us, and    world. When you can’t see Him, it is
        new Jewish music and a revival       who meets us where we are, if we are   because you are looking in the wrong
        of  Jewish  mysticism.  There have   willing to open our souls to Him.   direction. When He seems absent,
        been important Jewish writers and                                        He is there behind the door, but you
        thinkers. But we are still spiritually   I am a Rabbi. For 22 years I was a   have to open it.
        underachieving. The deepest roots    Chief Rabbi. But in the end, I think
        of  spirituality come  from  within:   it was we, the Rabbis, who did not   Don’t  treat  Him  like  a  stranger.  He
        from  within a  culture,  a tradition,   do enough to help people open   loves you. He believes in you. He
        a sensibility. They come from the    their doors, their minds, and their   wants your success. To find Him
        syntax and semantics of the native   feelings to the Presence-beyond-    you don’t have to climb to heaven
        language of the soul: “The word is   the-universe-who-created-us-in-     or cross the sea. His is the voice you
        very near you; it is in your mouth   love  that  our  ancestors  knew  so   hear in the silence of the soul. His is
        and in your heart so you may obey    well and  loved  so much.  We  were   the light you see when you open your
        it.” The beauty of Jewish spirituality   afraid. Of the intellectual challenges   eyes to wonder. His is the hand you
        is  precisely  that  in  Judaism,  G-d   of an increasingly secular culture.   touch in the pit of despair. His is the
        is close. You don’t need to climb a   Of the social challenges of being   breath that gives you life.
        mountain or enter an ashram to       in, yet not entirely of, the world. Of
        find the Divine presence. It is there   the emotional challenge of finding
        around the table at a Shabbat meal,   Jews or Judaism or the State of    1   Deuteronomy 30:14.
        in the light of the candles and the   Israel criticized and condemned.   2  See Rashi to Numbers 13:18.
        simple holiness of the kiddush wine   So we retreated behind a high wall,
        and the challot, in the praise of the   thinking that made us safe. High   Rabbi Lord Jonathan  Sacks  is Emeritus
        Eishet Chayil and the blessing of    walls never make you safe; they only   Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew
        children, in the peace of mind that   make you fearful.  The only thing   Congregations of the Commonwealth
        comes when  you leave the world to   that makes you safe is confronting   @RabbiSacks ·

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