Page 18 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
P. 18

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

                                         That Very

                                    First Melody

                  hen we begin singing the   land and subdue it, and rule over   been inflicted upon sections within
                  tingling melody for  ּוכ ְ ר ָּ ב   the fish of the sea and the birds of   it. And we’re still embroiled in
        Won the first night of Rosh          the heavens…” thus establishing     scandals and corruption, violence
        Hashanah – or when some com-         Divine laws for the world. Indeed,   and other social ills…
        munities sing הָּנ ַ ט ְ ק תֹוח ָ א beforehand   we remind ourselves that “If G-d
        – we are expressing what words       will not build the house, its builders   So our tunes at the advent of Rosh
        cannot express.                      labor on it in vain…” (Psalms 127:1).   Hashanah are notes of request:
                                             Everything depends on the King of   that the coming year will be better.
        The tune carries two themes. One     the Universe and his leadership.    A year in which we will build
        is that we are now proclaiming G-d                                       the infrastructure for a just and
        as King of the Universe. Through     This is the reason for our great    honest society. A year in which
        this tune, we are about to shed the   celebration  ּונֵּ ג ַ ח םֹוי ְ ל  ה ֶ ס ֵּ כ ַּ ב – at the   we will engage in constant repair
        way we’ve been living for 354 days   time appointed for our festive day   and correction; a year in which the
        of the year. We have been operating   (Psalms 81:4). First and foremost,   sound of the sirens will be sounds
        naturally and were convinced that    Rosh Hashanah is a Yom Tov, and     of joy and not testimony to further
        it is our actions that determine our   that is its halachic status too. It is   security quicksand; a year in which
        fate and that it is the people we are   a  chag because we are celebrating   the people of Israel find more and
        dependent on who decide what our     the day of coronation. That is why   more ways to connect to our Jewish
        future is to be.                     the Rishonim discussed whether it   and  faith-based identity, and that
                                             is even permissible to fast on it and   the Jewish melody will melt the
        And then comes Rosh Hashanah, to     our prayers do not  mention vidui   hearts and souls of all Jews; a year
        shake  us out of  this  illusion.  Here   (confession, as on Yom Kippur),   in which people will be smiling and
        we declare to ourselves – and blow                                       loving each other and seeking – and
        the shofar to spread the message     sins or the 13 Divine attributes of   seeing – the good in everyone; a
        throughout the universe – that G-d   mercy. Nevertheless, we remember    year in which those who have not
        is “King over the entire world” and   –  Zichronot – that coronation also   yet found their place find it; a year
        that we’ve been missing the mark     means judgment, for at the time     in  which  older  singles  will  hear
        for the rest of the year.            G-d appears in the world, He is
                                             accompanied by the attribute of     their wedding bands, and become
        There is a King, and it is He who    judgment. Still, the day’s theme    submerged in worlds of happiness.
        determines the results of  our       remains Crowning Him as King.       This is why these opening tunes are
        actions. This does not mean our
        actions have no meaning, or that all   However, our tunes carry another   so powerful and meaningful for us.
        we need to do is observe what G-d    theme  as  well  –  the  sound  of   Because in them  we are investing
                                                                                 all these thoughts and more. And
        does. He Himself taught us that the   request, hope and faith. The past
        world He created runs according to   year has not been easy in Israel. The   praying with all our being that it
        the way of nature, “the way of the   hatred, divisions and vitriol of the   will indeed be a fresh, joyous and
        world,” and that human deeds have    elections, the pain of those unable   healthy new year for us all.
        deep significance.                   to cope with the financial demands   Rabbi Yuval Cherlow is a Rosh
                                             of reality, huge security expenses,   Yeshiva and a founding member of an
        Already when creating us, He said,   etc. We must reconstruct a people   organization devoted to bridging the
        “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the   after so much pain and hurt has   religious-secular divide in Israel

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