Page 10 - HaMizrachi #7 Purim
P. 10

Ask the Rabbi

                                                                            Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                                           Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

                               DRINKING ON PURIM

             ava said: One is obligated     In contrast, the Rif (Megillah 3b)     we are not commanded to be joyful
             to drink on Purim until he     and Rosh (Megillah 1:8) cite Rava’s    with frivolity and nonsense, but rather
      R cannot distinguish (ad delo         statement without comment and omit     joyful in pleasure, which leads one to
      yada) between “cursed is Haman” and   the story entirely, implying that there   love G-d and express gratitude for the
      “blessed is Mordechai.” (Megillah 7b)   is indeed an obligation to become    miracles He performed for us.
                                            completely inebriated on Purim.
      This famous statement is difficult to                                        The Shulchan Aruch (695:2) cites
      understand, as it does not seem to fit   Many Rishonim take the third        Rava’s statement without comment,
      with the general halachic approach,   approach that maintains an obligation   indicating that he accepts the view of
      with its emphasis on maintaining      to  drink wine  but  limits  the extent of   the Rif and the Rosh. In contrast, the
      intellectual clarity at all times.    necessary drunkenness.                 Rema cites the views of the Orchot
                                                                                   Chaim and the Rambam. Accordingly,
      The continuation of the gemara is     The Rambam rules (Hilchot Megillah     the   Mishnah    Berurah   (695:5)
      also challenging. The gemara relates   2:15) that one should drink wine until   concludes that one should drink more
      that Rabba and Rabbi Zeira once       he falls asleep out of drunkenness,    than he is used to, to the point that he
      celebrated the Purim feast together,   thereby attaining the goal of “ad     falls asleep.
      and they became drunk. In his stupor,   delo yada.” Tosafot (Megillah 7b)
      Rabba killed Rabbi Zeira. When        similarly writes that one should       In practice, the reality today is that
      Rabba realized what he had done, he   drink  only  to  the  point  that  his   imbibing alcohol and becoming drunk
      prayed for mercy, and Rabbi Zeira     words become slurred and unclear.      can often have a damaging effect
      came back to life. The following      Rabbeinu Yerucham (Toldot Adam         on one’s health and wellbeing, and
      year, Rabba invited Rabbi Zeira to    VeChava 10:1) writes that one need     disrupt society. Therefore, it is best
      once  again  join  him  for  the  Purim   only achieve the level of drunkenness   to drink only a small amount of wine
      feast, but Rabbi Zeira declined, as he   at which he can no longer compute   on Purim. Each individual should
      did not wish to rely on a miracle of   the mathematical values of the        ensure that the small amount that he
      resurrection happening again.         phrases  ן ָּ מ ַ ה  רּור ָ א and  י ַ כ ְ ּ ד ְ רֹמ  ךּור ָּ ב, both   drinks leads to spiritual attainment
                                            of  which are  502.  Obviously,  less   and not to inappropriate behavior.
      There appears    to   be   a   clear   wine is necessary in order for one to   The alcohol should serve to release
      contradiction between the  gemara’s   achieve the states described by these   one’s inhibitions somewhat so that
      initial  statement and  the  story that   Rishonim.                          he can attain holiness – and not, G-d
      follows  it. The  story implies  that                                        forbid, the opposite. Women should
      drunkenness is dangerous, and the     The    Orchot    Chaim    (Megillah    avoid drinking even more than men, as
      simple  conclusion  from  this  would   VePurim 38) maintains that one       alcohol has a stronger effect on them.
      appear to be that one should not      should drink “somewhat more than he
      become drunk on Purim – in contrast   is used to, so that he will be very joyful   The Slonimer Rebbe (Netivot Shalom,
                                            and will make the poor happy.” He
      to Rava’s statement regarding the                                            Purim, p. 57) writes that on Purim, we
      obligation to drink to the point of loss   unequivocally rejects the possibility   have the ability to reach our inner core
                                            that one is obligated to become drunk
      of lucidity.                                                                 even without drinking wine. He notes
                                            on Purim:                              that Rava states that one is obligated to
      We find  three approaches  among the   For drunkenness is utterly forbidden,   become drunk “bePuraya” – in Purim,
      Rishonim to explain this puzzling     and there is no greater sin than this, as   i.e. one should become inebriated not
      gemara.                                                                      through wine, but through the lofty
                                            it leads to immorality and murder and   power of Purim itself.
      According to Rabbeinu Ephraim (cited   many other sins.
      in Ba’al Ha-Me’or, Megillah 3b in the   The Meiri (Megillah 7b) elaborates on   Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Head of
      Rif’s pages), the point of the story is to   the nature of the obligation:   Mizrachi's  Shalhevet   Educational
      demonstrate that Rava’s statement was                                        Advisory Board, Chairman of the
      rejected; one should not, in fact, drink   We are not obligated to become drunk   Halacha Education Center and Rabbi of
      wine to the point of “ad delo yada.”   and to demean ourselves out of joy, for   Machon Lev

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