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doubts as to the correct teruah. 20

        Both the Ramban  and the Ritva  explain in their com-
        mentaries that the shofar blasts, which accompany the be-
        rachot of Mussaf, are of a different nature than the blasts
        before  Mussaf.  While  the  tekiot  demeyushav  come  to
        discharge our obligation of hearing the shofar, the tekiot
        deme’umad come to discharge our obligation as part of
        prayer itself. It is less important what precise blast is blown,
        what is critical is that the prayer is accompanied by the cry
        of the shofar. 23

        We can now understand why these additional blasts consti-
        tute no violation of bal tosif. Rather than adding elements
        to the mitzvah of shofar, these blasts come to serve as part
        of a different mitzvah altogether.
        In summary we have seen that the prohibition of bal tosif
        exists as an explicit ban on adding elements to the Torah’s
        commands. The mitzvah of shofar would seem to be a case
        in point where we do exactly that. The Rishonim provide
        several explanations as to why our additional tekiot do not
        constitute a violation:
        Tosafot explain that the prohibition is only to add elements
        to an existing mitzvah, but there is no prohibition to per-
        form a mitzvah multiple times. 24
        The Rashba explains that, since the additional blasts stem
        from a Rabbinical decree, they fall under the authority of
        the Sages to make new enactments and could not violate
        bal tosif.

        The  Ramban  and  the  Ritva  understand  the  additional
        blasts to be a part of the mitzvah of prayer, rather than the
        mitzvah of shofar itself.

        20   See Shulchan Aruch 592:1 and commentaries there
        21   Milchemet Hashem, Rosh Hashana 11a
        22   Ritva, Masechet Rosh Hashana 34a
        23   These Rishonim point to a similar idea found regarding the blowing of instruments on fast days.
        24   See also Levush OC 585:3 who writes that, because the Torah used the term "העורת םוי", the implication is that the mitzvah of blowing the shofar
        applies the entire day. Thus, even though the minimum amount of tekiot is stipulated by the Torah, one may continue blowing the shofar the entire day,
        and every additional blast would constitute the fulfillment of the mitzvah.

        46 · Hilchot Shofar                                                Tzurba M’Rabanan
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