Page 43 - TzurbaFlipUSA_Neat
P. 43

Magen Avraham – appropriate to recite Vidui  between the sets

        Rav Ovadia Yosef – quotes Rav Mordechai Eliyahu and others who rule like the Ariza”l

        Women and the mitzvah of shofar

        Shulchan Aruch – women are exempt from hearing the shofar as it’s a time-bound mitzvah

        Rabbi Akiva Eiger – women have accepted upon themselves to hear the shofar
        Shulchan Aruch – women cannot recite a beracha over the shofar

        Rema – women can recite a beracha but a man cannot make on behalf of a women if he has already
        fulfilled his obligation
        Kaf Hachaim – even Sefardi women may recite a beracha

        Kaf Hachaim – if a woman will not hear the shofar she needs to do anullment of vows
        Rav Ovadia Yosef – if it is only for a specific year but intends to hear in future years, doesn’t need to
        do annulment of vows

        ןנברמ אברוצ                                                          רפוש תוכלה · 41
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