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P. 41
Summary of Shiur – Hilchot Shofar
Definition of the mitzvah
· Rambam, Tur – to hear the shofar blasts
Proof of this opinion is the Gemara Rosh Hashana 27b
· Rabbeinu Tam, Smag – to blow the shofar
Proof of this opinion is the Mishna Rosh Hashana 3:8
Chazon Ish – explains that the mitzvah of shofar is unique in that although, the mitzvah is to hear
the shofar, one needs to hear it from a “kol shofar shel mitzvah” meaning that the blower is an intrin-
sic part of the process
Shulchan Aruch – rules that the formulation of the beracha is to hear the shofar
Amount of blasts needed
Rosh Hashana 33b – the obligation from the Torah is to hear nine blasts on Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashana 34a – Rabbi Abahu instituted to blow thirty blasts due to a doubt as to what the
sound terua actually is
Shulchan Aruch – everyone needs to hear a minimum of thirty blasts, to remove any doubt
Shulchan Aruch HaRav – accepted custom is to blow one hundred blasts
Tosafot in the name of the Aruch – blow one hundred blasts parallel to the cries of the mother of
Aruch Hashulchan – our custom is not to add a terua gedola at the end of the hundred blasts
Mikraei Kodesh – Sefardi custom is to hear one hundred and one blasts
Mishpetei Uziel – finds a hint to the number one hundred and says anyone who changes from this
custom, the Sages are not pleased with him
Mareh Yechezkel – the reason for the custom of blowing one hundred blasts has secret and mystical
sources. When we understand these reasons, we do the mitzvah with eagerness and zeal
ןנברמ אברוצ רפוש תוכלה · 39