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תוטמשה א ןמיס ,אמק הרודהמ ,רגיא אביקע יבר ת”וש . 41
,ןמצעל ןירימחמ ןדיד ישנ בור םוקמ לכמד אלא .אמרג ןמז יווהד ןוויכ ,וז הווצמה בויחב ןניא תמאבד ,הארנ הזלו
ולביק“כ יווהו – בוט םוי שודיקב ןכו ,בלול ,הכוס ,רפוש ןוגכ – ןמרג ןמזהש השע תווצמ בור םייקל תוזירזו תוריהזו
ןמצע לע רימחהל ןחוכב ןיא – םירחאל תדבעושמד ןוויכ ,שובלה בתכ הזל .“ ’הל ולוכ“ םייקל םיצור הזלו ,”והיילע
.םירחאד תוכז הזב עיקפהל ,ןידהמ תובייוחמ ןניאש רבדב
Responsa of Rabbi Akiva Eiger, Mahadura Kamma 1, Hashmatot
And it seems that in truth they are not obligated in this mitzvah, since it is a time-bound mitzvah. Nevertheless,
most of our women are stringent upon themselves, and are careful and zealous to fulfill most time-bound
mitzvot, such as shofar, sukkah, lulav, and also Kiddush on Yom Tov, and this is equivalent to the status of
“they accepted it upon themselves.” In this regard, they wish to fulfill the “all for Hashem.” For this reason, the
Levush writes that since she is obligated to others, it is not in her power to be stringent upon herself regarding
something that she is not actually obligated in and by doing so undo the rights of others.
ו ףיעס טפקת ןמיס ,םייח חרוא ,ךורע ןחלוש . 42
אלו ,תוכרבמ ןיא לבא .ןאיצוהל עוקתל לוכי – רבכ אציש רחא ןכו .עוקתל תולוכי – תורוטפ םישנש יפ לע ףא
לבא .ןמצעל הנכרבת ןאכ םג ןכ לע ,אמרג ןמזהש השע תווצמ לע תוכרבמ םישנהש ,גהנמהו :הגה .ןהל וכרבי
לע ףא ,ול ןיכרבמ – בייוחמה שיאל ןיעקות םא לבא .םישנל קר ןיעקות ןיאו ואצי רבכ םא ןהל וכרבי אל םירחא
.ואצי רבכש יפ
Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 589:6
Although women are exempt from [the mitzvah of shofar], they may blow. And likewise, after [a man] has
already fulfilled his obligation, he may blow again to allow the women to fulfill their obligation. However, they
do not recite a beracha and no one recites a beracha on their behalf. Rema: The custom is that women do say a
beracha on a time-bound mitzvah; therefore here too, they should recite a beracha for themselves. But others
who have already fulfilled their obligation should not recite the beracha for them if they are blowing just for
women. However, if one blows for a man who is obligated, [another] may recite the beracha for him, even
though he has already fulfilled his obligation.
ןנברמ אברוצ רפוש תוכלה · 35