Page 47 - HaMizrachi TuBiShvat 5784 North America
P. 47

of the Mishnah, dedicated to agricultural   who happened to
        laws – these laws became less relevant   arrive here on Tu
        after the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash,   BiShvat how abso-
        when Jews primarily lived outside of the   lutely amazed they were
        Land. Hence, later halachic codes including   to be greeted with a platter of
        the Tur (c. 1300) and Shulchan Aruch (c.   so many varieties of fresh fruit of which
        1550) did not pay much attention to those   they could not even have dreamed of in
        laws (even the Babylonian Talmud gener-  Europe, where shortages and rationing
        ally does not address these laws).  were still widespread.

        However, even after the Beit HaMikdash was   I cannot conclude however without ref-
        destroyed, many of these halachot continue   erence to the impact of October 7. When
        to apply to produce grown in Eretz Yisrael.   Israel was first founded over 75 years ago,
        There has been a renaissance in the study   we celebrated our return to our Land by
        and implementation of these laws since   honoring Jewish agricultural labor as a
        the return of Jews to our Land and the   crucial element of the new Jewish era.
        reestablishment of Jewish agriculture   Over time, things changed and we became
        across our homeland. In that context, Tu   dependent on foreign workers and Arabs
        BiShvat has gained new meaning. That   to provide the agricultural labor that had
        aside, Sephardic, Kabbalistic and more   been the forte of the pioneering gener-
        recently Chassidic circles have developed   ation. Since the attack of October 7, this
        elaborate ceremonies to accompany the   dynamic has been called into question,
        consumption of fruits – especially those   as it is simply too dangerous to rely on
        referred to in the Torah as the blessing   Arab workers coming in from Gaza and
        of our Land – all of which are designed to   the West Bank. This has led to an existen-
        emphasize the significance of our biblical   tial crisis for Israeli agriculture. Currently,
        homeland and its produce.           volunteers are stepping in to harvest crops
                                            that would otherwise rot and be lost. But
        Here in Australia, we are in the midst of
        the summer, when stone fruits and many   this is only a temporary solution. As we
        others are ripe for picking. That aside,   celebrate Tu BiShvat, we may need to
        modern preserving technology and ease   mark the beginning of a new era in Israeli
        of transport across the globe, let alone   agriculture by returning to the celebration
        across different climatic regions within   of agriculture and the values that under-
        Australia, means that seasonal differences   pinned the establishment of our State.
        in the availability of fruit are nowhere
        near as pronounced as they once were.
        We are incredibly fortunate to have access
        to a variety of fresh fruit to celebrate Tu
        But long before many of the varieties with
        which we are now familiar had even been
        thought of, availability of fruit at this time
        facilitated celebration of Tu BiShvat with   Hechaver Yossi Aron OAM
        a variety of fresh fruits. Years ago, I heard   is the religious affairs editor of
                                                   the Australian Jewish News.
        from a group of post-Holocaust refugees

               Almond tree blossoms in Kibbutz Magen. (PHOTO: MICHAEL CASHER)                                     |  47
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