Page 14 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
P. 14

Optimism for Israel

             in Troubled Times

                                                  Martin Oliner

                s Israel hits the milestone of its   nation with a state of its own. This vision   day be a new freedom festival parallel to
                75th birthday, it is too easy to   of normalcy as an ideal was included in   Pesach, just as Chanukah was a late cel-
                become demoralized. The dis-  Israel’s Declaration of Independence:   ebration of Sukkot and Purim confirmed
        Aputes over the government’s        “This is the natural right of the Jewish   the acceptance of the Torah on Shavuot.
        plans  for  legal  reforms  have  become   people to be masters of their own fate,
        unprecedentedly intense. Strong differ-  like all other nations, in their own sover-  Following the miracles of Chanukah and
                                                                                Purim, the internal divides continued.
        ences of opinion have led to incidents of   eign state,” says the document that was
        violence and prophecies of doom.    signed by representatives of all sectors of   The Chashmonaim illegitimately held on
                                                                                to power. Mordechai only had the support
        President Isaac Herzog has even warned   the nascent Jewish state.      of a majority of his people. Since 1948, the
        that the Jewish state is on the brink of   Like all other states, Israel faces its share   disputes have continued as well. But they
        civil war and noted that previous Jewish   of respectful disagreement. This is part   continue with an important reminder: the
        commonwealths did not pass eight    and parcel of being the normal country   menorah that is the official emblem of the
        decades. A recent event at the Presi-  that Herzl envisioned. The ability of the   State of Israel.
        dent’s Residence highlighted that there   people of Israel to argue among them-
        have been 12 civil wars in Jewish history   selves is itself a democratic principle that   When the menorah was first crafted for
        – a stark reminder of the impact of past   needs to be celebrated, not feared.   the mishkan, it had to be built out of one
        infighting inside the Jewish community.                                 piece of solid gold. Since then, it has been
                                            The many disputes that surfaced since   a reminder of the need for Jewish unity.
        But for us proud Religious Zionists,   Israel was founded – over its borders, its   The menorah stands opposite the Knesset
        seeing such internal disputes inside   religious status quo and accepting repa-  as a reminder to the politicians that no
        the Jewish state need not be a cause of   rations from Germany for the Holocaust   matter how much they fight, we must
        despair. Witnessing these troubled times   – make it all the more impressive that   remain one people.
        should actually give us even more hope   the Jewish state has lasted so long. Even
        for the future of the State of Israel as a   declaring a State of Israel involved many   It is my hope that after the current dis-
        Jewish and democratic state. It should   internal fights, as has the question about   putes are resolved, we will see the return
        strengthen our faith rather than weaken   how to mark the day since then. Whether   of the unity that is so desperately needed
        it. We believe that Israel is atchalta deGeula,   or not we make a blessing in our Hallel,   for Israel’s next 75 years.
        the beginning of the redemption that Jews   we Religious Zionists thank G-d for the
        around the world prayed for three times a   modern miracle of Israel, shortcomings
        day since the exile in 70 C.E., not the end.   and all. In our Hallel prayer, we praise
        Israel is a work in progress, not a finished   G-d for His perfection, but we recall that
        product. Its name means “struggling with   while He is exalted high in the heavens,
        G-d,” and that struggle continues.  He gave the earth to the imperfect chil-
        Israelis are fighting over how to be a   dren of men. We are left to deal with those
        Jewish state and a democratic one. Those   imperfections with our own free will.
        concepts that usually worked beautifully   George Orwell wrote that “freedom is the
        together over the past seven and a half   right to tell people what they do not want   Martin Oliner
        decades are currently being reevaluated,   to hear.” Both sides in Israel can express   is co-president of the Religious Zionists
                                                                                    of America, chairman of the Center
        and the finished product when the strug-  that right that truly makes us free.   for Righteousness and Integrity, and a
        gle is over will end up being stronger and   In that regard, Yom HaAtzmaut is a cele-  committee member of the Jewish Agency.
        more cohesive.                                                            He was appointed by former US president
                                            bration of freedom. In 1881, nearly seven
        Zionist visionary Theodor Herzl envi-  decades before Yom HaAtzmaut, the Sfat   Donald Trump as a member of the United
                                                                                    States Holocaust Memorial Council.
        sioned the Jews becoming a normal   Emet predicted that there would one

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