Page 17 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
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                   Between Yom HaAtzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim,

           Mizrachiʼs Israel360 program brings leading teachers from

             Israel  to communities all over the world. Find out what is

             happening  in your community at

 Mrs. Nitsana Darshan-Leitner   Rabbi Meir Goldwicht   Mrs. Yael Leibowitz  Rabbi Menachem Leibtag   Mrs. Miriam Peretz   Rabbi Doron Perez  Mrs. Sivan Rahav-Meir   Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon   Rabbi Shalom Rosner  Rabbi David Stav  Rabbanit Shani Taragin   Rabbi Moshe Taragin
 UK  Young Israel of Oceanside, NY   Young Israel of Great Neck, NY  Kesher Israel Congregation,   UK  UK  UK  Congregation Bnei Yeshurun, NJ   Congregation Ohab Zedek, NY and   Anshei Chesed Congregation, FL  Congregation K.I.N.S. of West Rogers   Young Israel of West Hempstead, NY
 and Beth Jacob Atlanta, GA  Washington DC   and UK  Congregation Bais Tefilah of   Park, IL, Young Israel of Century City,
 and UK                                      Woodmere, NY                         CA, and UK

 Mrs. Atara Eis  Rabbi Binny Freedman   Rabbi Shmuel Goldin  Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith   Dr. Julie Goldstein  Rabbi Yehoshua Grunstein   Mrs. Karen Hochhauser   Rabbi Alex Israel   Rabbi Ari Kahn   Rabbi Yonatan Rosensweig   Rabbi Dr. Sharon Shalom  Rabbi Reuven Taragin
 UK  UK  Young Israel of Teaneck, NJ  Congregation AABJ&D, NJ   Congregation Ohr HaTorah, GA  UK  UK  Kemp Mill Synagogue, MD   Kingsway Jewish Center, NY   Hebrew Institute of White Plains, NY  UK  Ahavas Achim, Highland Park, NJ,
 and UK                      and UK            and UK                                            Young Israel of Fair Lawn, NJ,
                                                                                                      and UK

 Mrs. Pesha Fisher  Dr. Tova Ganzel   Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel  Rabbanit Tehila Gimpel  Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider   Rabbi Shalom Hammer   Mr. Gil Hoffman   Rabbi David Katz  Rabbi Shlomo Kimche   Rabbi Anthony Manning   Rabbi David Milston  Rabbi Professor Jeffrey Woolf
 UK  UK  UK  UK  Congregation Ohav Sholom, NY  UK  UK  UK  UK     UK                UK           Congregation Beth Torah, NY

 Mr. Tamir Goodman   Rabbi Jesse Horn   Mrs. Devorah Kay  Mr. Avi Kay  Rabbi Joel Kenigsberg  Rabbi Danny Mirvis  Rabbi Shimshon Nadel  Rabbi Eliyahu Silverman  Rabbi Johnny Solomon  Rabbi Gidon Weitzman  Sivan Ya'ari  Rabbi Reuven Ziegler
 UK  UK  UK  UK  UK  UK  Young Israel of Memphis, TN  UK  UK      UK                UK           Congregation Or Torah, IL
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