Page 28 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
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Etzion and job opportunities. And all of a 95 93 SHOR Merlot 2019 93 TASTING PANEL 92
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Thereupon [the people] would shed tears miracles of ’48 and ’67 and the magic of ice cream with my son at Votee Park in WINE ENTHUSIAST 92 ULTIMATE WINECHALLENGE
and say, ‘We shall go up with you.’ The Israel’s rebirth no longer inspire us the Teaneck, New Jersey, I ran into an old LEGEND Fiddler 2016 SECRET RESERVE
following year five households would go way they once did. As a shul rabbi in Living- friend I hadn’t spoken to in years. He had Cabernet Sauvignon 2017
up, the next ten, and the year after, all ston, New Jersey, coaxing people to attend all sorts of questions for me about Aliyah, 94 ROBERT PARKER
Petit Verdot 2017
would assemble to go up… Elkana did not the community wide annual Yom HaZ- the kids’ adjustment, high schools in Gush SHOR Barbera 2018 91
go up by the same route twice. Finally, all ikaron and Yom HaAtzmaut event felt like 9295
of Israel would go up to Shiloh” (Tanna Dvei pulling teeth. The blue and white cookies sudden, like the Jews that Elkana met on DECANTER
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Eliyahu Rabbah 8). and falafel balls have grown stale, and the his way to the Mishkan, I could see his eyes 90 TASTING PANEL Ultimate WIne 2019 Sauvignon Blanc
hassle of attending the Israel Day Parade start to tear up. The conversation became Challenge SECRET RESERVE
Elkana didn’t rebuke his fellow Jews or Petite Syrah 2017
look down upon them with condescen- (have you ever tried finding a bathroom more open; he spoke about how badly he Cabernet Sauvignon 2019 DECANTER
wanted to make Aliyah, and the many road-
for your 6-year-old at the parade? Hashem
sion. He didn’t grab the pulpit in local 92 91 ROBERT PARKER 92
synagogues or stand on a street corner to yerachem!) no longer seems worthwhile. blocks that stood in his way. I sat there, TASTING PANEL
my ice cream melting, with a newfound
We have grown sleepy.
castigate the townspeople for abandoning respect for this Jew who refused to give
the Mishkan. Instead, he simply traveled Am Yisrael desperately needs Diaspora ROBERT PARKER WINE ENTHUSIAST
from town to town, and when people Jewry to awaken and come home. As up on his dream of Aliyah. LEGEND Fiddler 2016 WINE ENTHUSIAST 94 Ultimate Wine Challenge MOSAIC Exclusive
asked him where he was going, he shared Nadia Matar often points out, if another We Anglo olim, like immigrants every- OUR SECRET Edition 2016
his excitement about going up to the Mish- million Jews make Aliyah, the world will where, lack the influence in Israeli society 92
kan. “We are going to G-d’s house; it would see that this Land is ours. But how can that our numbers suggest we should have. WINE ENTHUSIAST 92 SECRET RESERVE Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 95 DECANTER
be great if you came with us!” Elkana’s we help our brothers and sisters find the It’s hard to make an impact in the culture is
passion for the Mishkan, combined with strength to uproot their lives and move or the Knesset when most of us are still
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his overflowing love for his fellow Jews across the ocean? struggling to understand our electric bills. WINE ENTHUSIAST
triggered powerful, deep-seated emotions In describing the way Elkana encouraged But if there is one mission for which we MOSAIC 2014 C O NS I S T E N C Y LEGEND Honi 2017
among the people. Their cynicism and dis- his fellow Jews to join him at the Mishkan, are uniquely suited, it is this: encourag-
illusionment melted away, and they broke ing and inspiring our brothers and sisters
down in tears. the midrash repeatedly uses the words DECANTER 92 Cabernet Franc 2017 SECRET RESERVE MOSAIC 2018
“oleh” and “Aliyah.” Reading the midrash as 91 90
Alone among the leaders of his time, a new oleh, the message is clear. Elkana’s with old friends and share the joys of life 95
in Israel with them. Offer advice, practical
Elkana believed in his people. “He did not approach to inspiring others to join him
scorn the nation and the generation that at the Mishkan must be the playbook for help and emotional support if they seek Chardonnay 2020 WINE ENTHUSIAST 92 Merlot 2019 SECRET RESERVE
it, and remain silent when they do not.
had grown old with sin and weakness and inspiring Aliyah in our own generation. And most of all, be the friend who truly 92 TASTING PANEL
lost faith in itself and its abilities, a genera-
tion full of doubt and hesitation that lived Like Elkana, we must not, G-d forbid, speak believes in them and their inner love for Exclusive Edition 2013 MOSAIC
the Land.
arrogantly, with frustration or anger. We
in fear of its enemies. He believed in the TASTING PANEL DECANTER 91 DECANTER
One who is ‘ ַחֹ ּ כ ף ֵעָּי ַל ן ֵתֹונ,’ the One ‘Who gives must remember that many Jews yearn “We believe in our people, a great, lofty and
to make Aliyah, but are understandably
strength to the weary.’ He believed in the afraid – afraid of leaving a secure job or righteous nation… All we must do is arouse ROBERT PARKER
great potential hidden in the soul of his the ancient sleeping giant of Israel!” (Rav SECRET RESERVE MOSAIC Exclusive Edition
generation. And he understood that they switching careers, afraid of uprooting chil- Yitzchak Nissenbaum hy”d, Derushim Petit Verdot 2017 2016
dren and abandoning elderly parents, and
were unable to hear words of mussar and v’Chomer l’Drush, Drush Chamishi). 1
around the world to come home. Check in 92
rebuke because they were not yet aware of afraid of the unknown. Have we been in 92 SECRET RESERVE Merlot 2017 DECANTER
Israel so long that we’ve forgotten our own
the inner greatness of their souls” (Rav Zvi pre-Aliyah panic attacks? 9 Secret Reserve Cabernet Franc 2017 92
Yisrael Thau, L’Emunat Iteinu, 105).
Many others were never educated to DECANTER
Elkana was discouraged by the outer appreciate the critical importance of
appearance of his people. He did not hate, Jewish nationhood and the profound sig- MOSAIC Exclusive Edition 2017
he did not scorn and he did not elevate
himself over the community. He would nificance of the awesome events of the SOMM 91 SECRET RESERVE 95
last 130 years. Diaspora Jewry needs us
not rebuke his fellow Jews, even l’sheim to believe in them, to give them encour- SOMM
shamayim. And ultimately, with joy and agement, and the transformative Torah 1 LEGEND Honi 2017
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confidence, Elkana succeeded in actualiz- of Religious Zionism – not self-righteous Petite Syrah 2017 WINE ENTHUSIAST 90
ing the hidden greatness of his generation. Rabbi Elie Mischel
90 91 92 WINE ENTHUSIAST 2017
mussar! is the Editor of HaMizrachi magazine. 9 WINE ENTHUSIAST
Awakening a nation This past summer, after our first year Join me at the Mosaic
living in Israel, I returned with my wife DECANTER
Somehow, somewhere along the line, our and kids to the US to visit family. On a World Orthodox Israel Congress Est. 1902 ROBERT PARKER Exclusive edition 2019
Diaspora communities “grew old.” The Sunday afternoon, while enjoying some 120 YEARS OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM Privilage 2018
28 | SOMM SECRET RESERVE Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 90 Robert Parker WINE ENTHUSIAST
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Shiloh scores ad final 2022.indd 4 23/05/2022 15:30