Page 30 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5783 USA
P. 30

The Curse of the

              Eighth Decade

                                              Menachem Rahat

                The threat of national disintegration, which destroyed the two sovereign Jewish states that
                preceded ours, remains an ever-present danger in the third iteration of Jewish sovereignty.

                    lack Shabbat” – that’s   (1863–1952): “Those who do not learn from   disintegrated into the separate kingdoms
                    what the media called the   history are condemned to repeat it.” And I   of Yehuda and Yisrael, and so began its
                    bloody attacks in Jerusa-  remembered then the dark prediction of   fall. In the process, we lost millions of our
       “Blem on January 27–28 in            former Tunisian President Habib Bour-  brothers, the members of the Ten Tribes,
        which seven innocent Israelis were mur-  guiba: “The Arabs should not fight Israel;   who, according to Rabbi Akiva, “will not
        dered and others were seriously injured   the Jews in their internal quarrels will   return in the future.”
        – reminding us once again that from   destroy themselves.”
        the point of view of the murderers who   The State of Israel, now in its eighth   The second Jewish state was the Has-
        fulfill the curse of הֶי ְח ִּ ת ך ְּ ב ְר ַח ל ַע, “by your            monean kingdom during the Second
        sword you will live,” there is no difference   decade of life and about to celebrate its   Temple era. It existed for 77 years as a
                                            75th birthday, is today closer than ever
        between different groups of Israelis. We                                united and sovereign kingdom. In the
        are all destined for slaughter, G-d forbid,   before to the danger of a fratricidal war,   eighth decade of its life, the kingdom
                                            each man against his brother. This is the
        from their perspective.                                                 was torn apart by infighting, which led
                                            moment to learn from history, before we   the representatives of the two camps
        But we must not be confused by the Pal-  destroy ourselves through the fire of hate.  claiming the crown to approach Pompey
        estinian criminal gangs. Ultimately, they   We have much to learn from history.   in Syria, each one begging him to agree
        are not the true threat to the sovereign                                to make them vassals of Rome. And so
        Jewish state in Eretz Yisrael. Far more   Twice before there existed here, in the   the sovereign Hasmonean state became
                                            Land of Israel, sovereign Jewish king-
        threatening and dangerous to our future                                 a degraded protectorate state of Rome,
        is the division and polarization within   doms, and the beginning of the collapse   devoid of proud Jewish sovereignty.
                                            of both kingdoms began in the eighth
        Israeli society.
                                            decade of their existence. Both kingdoms   The establishment of the State of Israel 75
        The same brotherly hatred that came   existed for about 220 years, but the begin-  years ago is the third attempt to overcome
        down to the world in the days of Kayin   ning of their end sprouted – with incredi-  the “curse of the eighth decade,” which
        and Hevel, which was repeated in the lives   ble timing! – in the eighth decade of their   defeated the two previous Jewish states.
        of Yitzchak and Yishmael and Ya’akov and   sovereignty. It is the duty of Israelis here   We are currently in the midst of our third
        Esav, and exploded again with the broth-  and now to ensure that the situation here   opportunity, but it is uncertain whether
        ers’ hatred for Yosef – this is the hatred   does not become a rerun of the terrible   we will survive it. Before our eyes, we are
        that burns among us and threatens to   movie we’ve already seen twice before.  witnessing fratricidal hatred – and right
        overwhelm the Zionist enterprise.
                                            The first Jewish state, founded by King   now it really doesn’t matter who started
        Above the entrance gate to one of the   David,  accomplished  phenomenal   it, because both sides bear equal respon-
        pavilions in the Auschwitz death camp,   achievements and survived united for 80   sibility for the terrible social chaos that
        I read with trembling a quote from   years. In the 81st year, due to internal con-  is eating us apart, just as Bourguiba pre-
        the American philosopher Santayana   flicts, the kingdom of the House of David   dicted. All the warning signs of a national

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