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         75 years of Landmark Rebirth of National Identity

                                            Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                    hat an honor to contribute   who would inherit the Land and perpetu-  national rebirth in 1948 were fraught with
                    to HaMizrachi’s celebration   ate Avraham’s national-religious identity.  great sacrifice and difficult decisions to
                    of 75 years of Israel’s inde-  Yitzchak’s birth begins the next era of   assure the future of our family / national
        Wpendence as a sovereign            Avraham’s life – 75 years of living in the   identity. Like Avraham our father, we
        Jewish state! As we share our dreams for   Land with his promised progeny! Avraham   have witnessed the fulfillment of Divine
        the future of Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael,   lived 75 childless years outside of Canaan,   promises over the past 75 years, accompa-
        it is also appropriate to appreciate the   then 25 years in a new land without father   nied by challenges within our own family
        unique significance of Israel’s milestone   or child, edifying himself and others in   and struggles with neighbors of different
        75th birthday.                      monotheistic belief and values, and finally,   faiths and values.
        In Tanach, most numbers are usually   at age 100, he begins a new era of 75 years   During his final 75 years of life after the
        “rounded off” to the nearest ten or hun-  in the Promised Land with the promised   birth of Yitzchak, Avraham rejected com-
        dred. Tanach and Tannaitic literature are   child!                      placency and refused to passively await
        replete with teachings about the signifi-  During the final 75 years of his life, what   the materialization of G-d’s dreams and
        cance of the number 70, which represents   does Avraham do to chart a trajectory for   promises. Instead, Avraham chose to write
        the many languages and nations of the   generations to come? He casts out Yish-  history together with G-d and actively
        world, facets of Torah, names of Jerusa-  mael to properly invest in Yitzchak, clari-  pursue and secure his destiny. Similarly,
        lem, and more. Yet there is a remarkable   fying and forging his family’s identity, and   the 75 years since our national rebirth
        75 year landmark in Jewish history which   signs “Abrahamic accords” with his Phi-  have taught us essential lessons: that
        marks a significant stage in our national   listine neighbors. He undergoes another   security comes with sacrifice, forfeiting
        development and warrants celebration   “Lech-Lecha” moment, this time to Mount   land for peace has consequences, build-
        and reflection.                     Moriah, demonstrating his willingness to   ing homes for the future is essential and
        “Go forth from your land and from your   sacrifice his son for G-d and forfeit not   forging family identity within the Jewish
                                                                                people is critical to our survival.
        birthplace and from your father’s house,   only his past and present values, but also
        to the Land that I will show you” (Bereishit   his entire future, subsequently meriting   With G-d’s help, may the next 75 years
        12:1). At the advanced age of 75, Avraham   an unconditional oath from Hashem that   bring us, the children of Avraham Avinu,
        Avinu made his landmark entrance to the   his descendants will inherit the Land.   greater brotherhood, security and inter-
        land of Canaan. Avraham forfeited his   Following the death of Sarah, he actively   national influence. And may we continue
        entire past – his Mesopotamian identity,   secures his covenantal legacy of land and   the journey of “Lech-Lecha,” planting, per-
        his birthplace, and, most challengingly,   nation through purchasing a burial plot in   petuating, educating and building, for the
                                            Chevron and finding a wife for Yitzchak.
        his family – to forge a new identity in an                              generations to come!
        unknown destination. For 75 years, Avra-  The birth of Yitzchak heralded the second
        ham lived with his father and was known   stage of Avraham’s life as a personal and
        as one of the “toldot,” “generations,” of   national patriarch, a “founding father”
        Terach, together with his brothers Nachor   of our nation and land. Avraham passed
        and Haran (11:27). But then everything   away 75 years later as an “םיִיֹוּג ןֹומ ֲה ב ָא,” a
        changed. At 75, Avraham entered Canaan   “father of a multitude of nations,” buried
        and was promised: “To your seed I will give   by both Yitzchak and Yishmael in the
        this Land” – that he would have children   Me’arat HaMachpelah  he  painstakingly
        who would inherit the Land. Avraham   purchased for his descendants.            Rabbanit Shani Taragin
        then endured 25 years of trials, tribula-  Chazal explain that the calculations of   is Educational Director of Mizrachi
        tions, famines, battles and family tension,   G-d’s everlasting promise of inheritance   and the Director of the Mizrachi-TVA
        while also securing Divine covenants of   of the Land following exile, formalized in   Lapidot Educators’ Program.
        national history (brit bein haBetarim) and   the the brit bein haBetarim, began with the
        religious identity (brit milah). Finally, at the   birth of Yitzchak (Rashi, Bereishit 15:13 and   Join me at the
        age of 100, G-d fulfilled His promise and   Megillah 9a). Like the 75 ensuing years   World Orthodox Israel Congress  Est.          1902
        blessed Avraham with a son from Sarah   of Avraham’s life, the 75 years since our                  120 YEARS OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM

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