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Rabbi Reuven Taragin

           Seventy for 70 – Ushering

           in the Eighth Decade

           1. Preparing for the Eighth           country. Appreciative of God’s gifts, we feel   to  Israel  and  Jerusalem  (Ketuvot  110b),
                  he Torah portion of Shemini,   responsible to help Israel become the place   but also a process of continued personal
                  in which the Jewish people     in which the Shechina can fully reside. Not   elevation. Rashi quotes our Sages
          T prepare for the eighth day of the    only in places of Torah and prayer, but   (Bava Metzia 61b) who explain that
           Mishkan’s  (Tabernacle) inauguration, is   throughout the entire country.    our fulfillment of mitzvot (this one in
           very appropriate for the week that ushers                                    particular and others in general) raises us
           in the eighth decade of the State of Israel.  The Religious Zionist community has   above society’s norms. Our return to Israel
                                                 grown  in  number  and  influence  in  both   is meant to be part of this process – not
           After seven days of inauguration, our   Israel and the United States. Let us cre-  just a change in country code, but in moral
           ancestors were commanded to facilitate   ate more space for the Shechina and help   code too.
           the  Shechina (Divine Presence). We too   Israel become what God wants it to be.
           should reflect upon how to strengthen                                        Raising our sights this Shabbat will
           God’s presence within our 70-year-old                                        hopefully help us elevate ourselves to God,
           State.                                  2. Seventy for 70                    thus allowing Him to reside within us.
                                                 This Shabbat’s “Seventy for 70” program   Through this we prepare for our parallel
           The State of Israel has grown over the   expresses this goal.  We prepare for   physical Aliyah to a State infused with the
           past 70 years. Its economy, security, and   Yom HaAtzmaut through nationwide   Divine Presence.
           social  structure  are  strong and  admired   Torah  learning.  Speakers  are  focusing on
           throughout the world.  Religiously,   Torat Eretz Yisrael, reminding us of the
           Israel is blessed with countless yeshivas,   sweet Torah emanating from Israel and   4. Thank You
           seminaries, and organizations. There are   emboldening us to continue our efforts on   It has been an honor to direct this special
           more Jews learning Torah, strengthening   its behalf.                        program. I thank the RZA and World
           Jewish identity, and performing chessed in                                   Mizrachi, as well as the speakers, rabbis
           Israel than ever before.              In Judaism,  the number 70 represents   and representatives who made it possible.
           As  Religious Zionists, we  aspire  to   the world’s nations. Our coming together
           something  extra,  something  higher.   as   70-plus communities is a statement   May we all merit the blessing that Moshe
           Rabbi Soloveitchik, Rabbi Kook, and   about ourselves as the Religious Zionist   and Aharon gave our ancestors in this
           many others saw the return to and the   Community of America. We come together   week’s portion  (Rashi 9:23):  “May the
           establishment of the State of Israel as the   as one community unified by our shared   sweetness of Hashem, our God, be upon us.
           beginning of the Redemption process.   ideals and goals for the future of the State   May it be His will that His Presence infuses
           Rabbi  Soloveitchik  identified  it  as God’s   of Israel.                   our efforts.”
           call to us. 70 years and much miraculous
           development later, this call has grown   3. Aliyah                           Rabbi Reuven Taragin is
           louder.                               The end of this week’s Torah portion   Director of “Seventy for 70"
           We are even more convinced of the     teaches us that Aliyah (literally, “ascent”)   and Dean of the Yeshivat
           religious significance of our precious   is more than just the action of moving   HaKotel Overseas Program
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