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Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon
the Do the customs of mourning
Rabbi during Sefirat HaOmer
apply to Yom HaAtzmaut?
here are different customs as to HaRabbanut HaReishit, page 878 Weddings
when, during Sefirat HaOmer, to note 83 and see Shachar Ahalelcha III, According to Rav Yitzchak Nissim (ibid.),
T apply the customs of mourning. paragraph 36). it is permissible to get married on Yom
According to all opinions, the fifth of HaAtzmaut, because it is a day on which
Iyar – Yom HaAtzmaut – is one of those We can suggest a new idea too. There are a miracle occurred and so the customs of
days that we do apply the customs of those who say that Rabbi Akiva’s students, mourning do not apply. However, the Yaskil
mourning. These customs of mourning for whom we mourn during the Omer, Avdi (III:10:2:7-8) rules that it is forbidden
include not being able to marry, have a died in Bar Kochba’s rebellion (Rav Moshe to marry on Yom HaAtzmaut, since the
haircut, dancing and listening to music. Tzvi Neria – Emunat Itecha 41, page 5). essence of the miracle was not the declara-
Are these prohibitions allowed on Yom In other words, they died while trying to tion of the State but either the day of the
HaAtzmaut? establish a state. ceasefire or the day of the UN’s decision.
Shaving According to this, all our mourning is In practice, the accepted custom is not to
If a person makes a simcha during the Omer, based on the fact they were not able to get married on Yom HaAtzmaut.
such as a Brit Mila or Sheva Berachot, he establish a state. Therefore, we could
is allowed to shave (Rama 493:2). This is certainly say the customs of mourning Celebrating Yom
because it is a festival for him and so the laws do not apply on the day we did establish HaAtzmaut when it is
of mourning do not apply (Shulchan Aruch, a State! not the 5th of Iyar
Orach Chaim 559:9). Usually, Yom HaAtzmaut is not celebrated
In practice, since Yom HaAtzmaut is a day on the 5th of Iyar (but close to it). This
We can therefore apply a kal vechomer. 1 of rejoicing, we do not mourn and it is per- is to avoid desecrating the Shabbat with
On a day which is itself a festival, such missible to shave. One can even shave before celebrations and ceremonies. This is an
as Yom HaAtzmaut, it is permissible nightfall in preparation for Yom HaAtzmaut exalted expression of the the State of Israel’s
to shave (Rav Yitzchak Nissim – Yayin (Shachar Ahalelcha III, paragraph 37). Like- independence and a huge Kiddush Hashem
HaTov II, Orach Chaim paragraph wise, it is permissible to dance and listen to (Sanctification of God’s Name)!
11; Rav Avraham Shapira – Sefer happy music (ibid. paragraph 40).
Indeed, this is true independence – a deci-
sion by the ‘Kingdom of Israel’ based on
considerations of the Jewish Shabbat. So
on whatever day that is each year, that is the
day we recite Hallel and do not observe the
customs of mourning.
1 Literally 'light and heavy'. It is one of the principles of
determining halacha. Simply, it means that what applies
in a less important case will certainly apply in a more
important one.
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is
the Chairman of the Halacha
Kobi Gideon (GPO)
Education Center
Photo of Rabbi Rimon: Yehoshua Halevi 7