Page 40 - HaMizrachi Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot 5782 USA
P. 40

know there was a branch of the Mossad since the 1950s that was
        focused on Soviet Jewry; it wasn’t publicized. Ben-Gurion blew
        him off – “Aryeh, I thought you were a smart guy. Do you think
        we’re so crazy to start up with the Communists?” – and sent him
        away. Two weeks later, Aryeh gets a call at 11:00pm from Shaul
        Avigur, a legendary figure in the early Mossad who led the Mossad
        Le’Aliyah Bet operations to smuggle Jews into Israel during the
        British Mandate. “Aryeh, it seems you have a good friend in Sde
        Boker [Ben-Gurion’s kibbutz]. I want to see you.” From that point
        on, Aryeh worked for the Mossad.

        Aryeh told us to meet him at a government building that was very
        hard to find; later I understood that he did this purposely to see
        if we could find an address. In Communist Russia you couldn’t
        get a map in English; there were no tourist maps in English. And
        wherever you went, there were numbers on the houses, but never
        names; there was never a name on the mailbox.
        Then we had six months of preparation. I have to give all the
        credit to the State of Israel – they invested millions of dollars   The proud Hebrew teachers of Leningrad, 1981
        in this operation. Aryeh realized that we had dual citizenship
        and that I could present myself as an American. I didn’t want to
        tell the Soviets that I was a Rebbe, so I said that I was a banker.
        I even had stationery printed! Why did I choose banking as my
        fake profession? I did my research; people who had spent time in
        Russia told me that the KGB knew nothing about banking because
        the Communist system was so different from the US system. If
        they challenged me, I could double-talk and deflect the questions
        without too much trouble.
        I was prepared well. The Mossad told me that I should start
        by meeting with a group of no more than five people in the
        apartment of Rabbi Aryeh Katzin’s apartment [a Jewish activist
        in Moscow during the years 1977–1981], to see if the KGB would
        tolerate it. We worked under the premise that we were not
        opposed to Communism; we just wanted ‘repatriation’. The
        Soviets allowed Germans to be repatriated to Germany after the
        war, and so Jews should also have the right to be repatriated to
        their family members in their homeland, in Israel. This is what
        we always stressed.                                   Finishing the bottle of vodka in proper Russian fashion at the conclusion of the
                                                              session with the scientists, 1985
        There was a whole underground in Russia; because of the Six
        Day War, Jews were waking up. Do you know what it meant to
        smuggle in a book called Exodus, the impact it made on the Jews
        in Russia? Now, it’s one thing to smuggle in a book, but how do
        you get that book all over the country? Xerox machines were
        government controlled, but the government couldn’t control
        photography. If you could smuggle in a good camera and get it
        to the right person, they could photograph an entire book and
        make hundreds of copies.
        How did Israel finance all of this? On our third trip to the Soviet
        Union, we went to Vilna. We were given a picture of a baby, and
        told that when we got to Vilna we should show this picture to a
        certain man in a hospital there who will take us into a side room
        and give us 50,000 Rubles. Then it was our job to visit a list of
        people who could be trusted. We were told to give these people
        the money and tell them that in six months time, someone will
        follow up with them to see how the money was utilized.
        What was going on here? It turns out this doctor in the hospital
        had children who had come on Aliyah, and these children wanted   Teaching in the Vilna synagogue, 1989

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