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Rabbi Eli Sadan One
Facing Religious Zionism Today? One
R eligious Zionism in Israel has an upon “And you shall love G-d, with all 3. Do you really think those threads
historic task – to pave the way your heart… and all your soul.”2 The you wear make you a better person?
for the nation by connecting foundation of a Jewish life is not being
Torah to the fullness of life. Indeed, “religious” – but celebrating the life 4. Why do you think you have a
it is the Torah that inspires us to take G-d gave us through faith, love and joy. monopoly on Truth? I know it’s
responsibility for our country and Indeed, the Torah informs us that curses legitimate to think differently from
to demonstrate dedication, love and come to fruition because we “didn’t me, but you’re sure you’re right and
unlimited contribution in all walks of serve G-d with joy and a gladness of I’m wrong – isn’t that arrogant?
life. heart.”3 So here’s the question.
But are our children up to this task? A 5. If we ever reach a situation in which
large percentage of the next generation Are we transmitting to our children the the Arabs agree to a sustainable
is deserting us! Whether the figure is power of a life of faith, love and joy in peace – aren’t you prepared to hand
35% or 50%, a society ‘losing’ a third our service of G-d, or are we just passing over Judea and Samaria? Is land
of its young people needs to conduct a on “religious” duties; the permitted and more important than human lives?
profound soul searching. the forbidden? Is our education system
Let us stop, think, and reach operative giving our children a solid, deep, faith- For years I have asked many of our
conclusions. When the Kibbutz full foundation? Are we instilling them children, after their 12 years of Religious
Movement discovered that its younger with a love for G-d and His Torah and an Zionist school education, whether they
generation was not interested in excitement in serving Him? have good answers to these questions;
continuing the cooperative lifestyle, even if just to satisfy themselves. The
it made the courageous decision to Moreover, how can we expect the next vast majority… do not.
privatize the kibbutzim, erasing the very generation to continue to observe Try it out yourselves. If I’m right, it
essence of what they stood for! I am not “religious rituals” without authentic means we need to ignite extensive
suggesting, G-d forbid, we give up our knowledge; without faith, love and a changes in how we live our Torah-
Torah, but we do have the obligation of passion for truth? oriented lives. Not only in the education
confronting the changes G-d expects us system but everywhere.
to make! And another question. We have chosen If we can accept the facts with courage,
One point very central to the discussion to raise our children in an “open” faith and the willingness to change,
is that we inherited the concept of “dat” environment but are we giving them we can repair, progress, and cultivate
(religion) from the non-Jewish world. the tools to cope with the incessant communities brimming with faith, love,
The word does not appear in the Torah.1 bombardment from secular and non- joy, and closeness to G-d, His Torah, His
In the non-Jewish world, religion is a Torah media and academia? People and His Land.
collection of rituals and ceremonies. A
person who participates in them is called Let’s put it to the test. Here are five 1 It does appear in Megillat Esther (3:8).
“religious.” questions you can ask your children: 2 Deuteronomy 6:5.
Yes, the Torah does contain mitzvot, 3 Ibid. 28:47.
but a Jew’s relationship with G-d begins 1. If you believe that G-d hears your 4 From the Havdalah prayer.
internally, with faith and love, rather prayers, why do you repeat the same
than externally. Accepting the yoke of thing three times every day? Give Rabbi Eli Sadan is an Israel Prize Winner,
Heaven, “G-d is One,” is conditional Him a break! Head of the Bnei David Institutions
and the Founder of the Pre-Military
Photo of Rabbi Eli Sadan: Avi Ochayon/GPO 2. Isn’t it racist to say “who Academies
distinguishes between Israel and the
nations”4? 27