Page 28 - HAMIZRACHI #4-RH-USA-flipbook_Neat
P. 28

Dr. Tova Ganzel


Hoshana Rabba is the day upon               Pharisees could now use the willows        them, so the masses influence them by
           which people used to walk        without touching the mukzteh.              dint of a healthy life. And the common
           around the altar in the Temple   Rabbi Menachem Froman offers an            denominator of noble thinkers and the
and beat the willows, hence our custom      interesting insight into this Gemara:      masses is the power that keeps both of
today.                                      “We get a clear impression throughout      them in their place, and protects them
The Talmud discusses the question of        Tractate Sukkah that the relationship      from any ethical and material decay and
whether one should beat the willows         between Talmidei Chachamim (Torah          degeneration.”4
when Hoshana Rabba falls on Shabbat:        scholars) and amei ha’aretz (the
“On one occasion, the seventh day           original meaning of the expression amei    The lives of working folk alongside
of the [ceremony of the] willow-            ha’aratzot was seemingly land laborers3)   thinkers and philosophers leads to many
branch fell on Shabbat, and they [the       was not just a technical, one-time         encounters and conversations within all
Pharisees] brought saplings of willows      connection but a much more significant     parts of Jewish society, in Israel and out.
on Friday and placed them in the            and qualitative one. It seems that the     It often seems that one can distinguish
Temple courtyard. The Boethusians,          custom of beating willow branches was      between Torah scholars and uneducated
having discovered them, took them and       essentially a farmers’ custom, and not     individuals; define who are the givers
hid them under some stones. The next        a halacha innovated in the study halls.    and who are the recipients, but this is
day, some of the uneducated people          It was one of the customs that land        illusory. Every Jew, wherever they are,
discovered them and removed them            laborers kept in expectation of a rain-    whatever they do, makes a contribution.
from under the stones, and the priests      blessed year…”                             Sometimes it is similar to the
brought them in and placed them in the      Using this example and others, Rabbi       contribution of the Torah scholars, and
sides of the altar. [The reason for hiding  Froman suggests that different sectors     sometimes to the contributions of those
the willows was that] the Boethusians do    of the people often seem detached from     who are sensitive to and connected to
not acknowledge that the beating of the     each other but actually have a very close  the land and thus to tangible reality.
willow-branch overrides the Shabbat.”1      relationship that benefits both parties.
The Gemara describes a situation in         He also quotes Rav Kook on this topic:     But neither can live fully without the
which the Pharisees brought willows         “Intelligence thinks it can separate       other.
on Friday so they could beat them on        itself from the masses, for then it will
Shabbat. But the Boethusians, who           be healthier in spirit, more noble in its  1 Sukkah 43-44.
believed that one should not beat           thought. This is a fundamental error;      2 Muktzeh means “separated”, or “set aside”. For
willows on Shabbat, laid them under         an error unacquainted with the healthy     example, one may not handle money, stones,
stones in a way that the Pharisees could    side of natural familiarity, natural       twigs, etc. on Shabbat, as these items are muktzeh.
not use them without lifting the stones,    feelings and natural senses… but just      3 Chazal often relate to amei ha’aretz as the
which were muktzeh.2 The amei ha’aretz,     as they influence them [the masses,        important people.
(the uneducated people) arrived on          influenced by the intelligentsia/ the      4 Orot HaTeshuva 2:28.
Shabbat morning, saw the willows under      wisest ones], with counsel and wisdom,     Dr. Tova Ganzel is the Director of
the stones and moved the stones. The        levelling out the paths of the world for   the Midrasha (Women’s Institute of
                                                                                       Advanced Torah Study) in Bar-Ilan

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