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partnered and donated to several events and in return I have asked   that follow.  “The bottom line is, if the event seems like a veiled
        that some of these organizations help me to promote my event.  One   attempt at selling something, it will fall flat. Consider events part of
        of our best resources has been our local Junior Guild Organization   the marketing budget for the store and look at it as a long-term effort
        (Remember,  we  are  southern…)      “Radio  stations,  newspapers,   that will generate results – have faith!”
        local television stations, magazines and other local media outlets
        crave great information to share with their readers. Let your in-store   SET THE MOOD WITH THE RIGHT MUSIC
        events be among what they share!”  As soon as I have put a date
        on the calendar I reach out to local advertising resources.  I have   Music is huge, and should be present throughout the entirety of the
        even provided gift certificates to the employees of the local radio   event.   This prevents awkward silences and instantly puts people
        station in exchange for some “Complimentary” air time.  For best   in a good mood. Live music is even better, with something jazzy or
        results, you could tie in some charitable efforts for your event.  “For   mellow being key.”
        stronger pre, on-site and post-publicity and goodwill, pair the event
        with philanthropy.”  Over the past 13 years I have partnered with   POP THE CORK AND MAKE THE
        many  non-profit  organizations.      “Pre-event  announcement  news
        releases, with a photo of you and the organization you are working  FOOD FUN!
        with followed with post-event photo-caption news releases of the   Every single Chocolate Night we had a Chocolate Fountain and
        day-of event festivities, and later, a large check presentation to the   something different with Chocolate including hiring a chef to make
        organization, will give the event a longer life in the media.”  Most   Belgian Waffles with the Chocolate Fountain Drizzle to represent
        IMPORTANT TIP – If you donate an item, buy the ticket to the   our annual trip to Antwerp to buy diamonds.  And while I typically
        event, no matter the cost and SHOW UP!  Folks need to see that you   do not serve alcohol at my events it has been suggested by others
        are FULLY COMMITTED!
                                                                that  do  that  it  can  make  for  a  little  more  relaxing  environment.
                                                                Some believe that folks will be more open to shopping and overall
         Tips for the Big Day!                                  enjoying themselves.  I always caution you with this in that there are
                                                                many states with laws like North Carolina called the “Duping Law”
                                                                that have stated that if you are offering alcohol and a person makes a
                                                                purchase that they have the right to return within 3 days of purchase
        BE PREPARED TO SELL BUT GO EASY                         no matter what you’re in-store policies.  This law is based on the fact
        ON THE SALES PITCHES                                    that they believe that you convinced them to purchase something
                                                                while they were under the influence of alcohol that you provided.
         If the event seems like a veiled attempt at selling something, it will   This does not mean that you can’t have a signature cocktail that
        fall flat. –                                            is non-alcoholic and fun or during a fall event with a yummy hot
                                                                cocoa or non-alcoholic cider.  Be careful is what I feel is important
         While it’s a common practice to showcase store merchandise during   to share if you are serving alcohol.  By the way, I have never offered
        events, be careful not to come off as too salesy. Remember that the   alcohol during one of my lady’s night events and have had people
        goal of having events is to deliver great experiences, and not JUST   lined up outside the door for our events.  It is very much a personal
        GREAT STUFF!  “I believe that you want to create an emotion that   preference.
        people will tie into your brand or the branded annual event that you
        have created.”  I have had strolling violinist and piano players to
        serenade my guests and painters
        painting oil paintings in front of
        the store. You can create a mini
        spa with shoulder massages and
        mini facials. Don’t just sell!”
         It’s  best  to  see  events  as  an
        investment  in  future  sales  and
        long-term loyalty as opposed to
        a  sales  tactic.    Retailers  should
        not  look  at  in-store  events  as
        having  any  sort  of  direct  or
        quick payback in sales. “Events
        are  a  slow  build  strategy  but
        can  have  a  profound  impact  on
        word-of-mouth  marketing  by
        customers.  They  pay  dividends
        over time in the form of customer
        loyalty and share of voice in the
        marketplace.”    I  am  not  saying
        NOT to make money that night…
        I am saying be mindful that the
        real selling comes in the weeks
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