Page 5 - RZA: Renewal and Growth - Sivan 5778
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Recent National Events:
• RZA National Celebration of Yom Aryeh F ellowships
Haatzmaut at the Young Israel of
Woodmere, New York featuring
Senator Joseph Lieberman. The “Aryeh Fellowship” is an initiative of RZA-Mizrachi to
strengthen Religious Zionism in America. Each year, forty college
• Community-wide Tefillah Chagigit and graduate school students from around the country are invited
bringing together 9 Los Angeles to spend their winter break in Israel where they study Torah and
communal institutions in attend intensive seminars focusing on leadership development and
celebration of Yom Yerushalayim. Religious Zionist education. Upon their return to the U.S., Aryeh
Fellows commit themselves to a year-long Manhigut (leadership)
project designed to bring the message of Religious Zionism back to
communities across America. Each week we profile a different
"Aryeh Fellow" in our weekly e-newsletter.
Examples of recent Manhigut projects are:
• Creation of a National Collegiat e Chidon
RZA-Mizrachi Speakers Bureau • Enhanced Children’s programming for Y om
HaAztmaut in Teaneck, NJ.
The RZA-Mizrachi Speakers Bureau • Launch of an Israel Club at Lander’s College.
features over 150 top Israeli • Redesigned RZA weekly emails .
rabbis, educators, academics, and • Designed an Israel Resources section f or the
thought leaders - men and women RZA website.
who represent the best in Torah • “Humans of Israel” phot o-series on social media
from Israel. Unlike many speaker interviewed people who have made Aliyah.
bureaus, this project actively • Planned Israel Week at the University of
matches synagogues and schools Maryland.
with speakers with the goals of: • Ran "Kumsitz"im on college cam puses across
1) bringing critical masses of America
speakers for significant dates in • Translated Divrei Torah from the Roshei Yeshiv a
the Jewish calendar (Yom of Yeshivot Hesder in Israel t o be included on
Haatzmaut, Parshat Lech Lecha, the RZA website and in the Shabbat B’Shabbat o
etc.); 2) allowing institutions to weekly RZA email.
easily match their needs with
Israeli speakers throughout the year; 3) benefiting our communal institutions by
ensuring that speakers from Israel who are already visiting the United States
are fully programmed.