Page 7 - RZA: Renewal and Growth - Sivan 5778
P. 7

The Future: Renewal and Growth
                                                  About the RZA                            The RZA has embarked on a path that will bring transformational

                                                                                           change within our Religious Zionist community.
                                                                                           The new programs and projects described here have already begun to
                                                                                           impact our community and strengthen the sense that each Religious
                                                                                           Zionist Kehilla is part of a greater entity and movement.  On a practical
                                                                                           level, these Torah programs, presentations and projects are touching
                                                                                           the minds and hearts of our members - both young and old.  They are
                                                                                           attracting new interest from young professionals who represent the
                                                                                           future leaders of the RZA Mizrachi.
                                                                                           Please join us in our efforts by supporting the RZA-Mizrachi as a prime-
                 The Religious Zionists of America is the U.S. Affiliate of the 115        level member, a donor or a sponsor of one of our new programs.
                 year old World Mizrachi movement.
                                                                                           April 2018
                 The goal of the RZA-Mizrachi is to strengthen Religious Zionism             • Launch of HaMizrachi - a  quality Torah pamphlet filled with Religious
                 in Jewish communities throughout the United States while                       Zionist Divre Torah and delivered in synagogue to over 15,000 people.
                 enhancing Jewish religious life in Israel, to encourage Aliyah and          • Seventy for 70 - over 70 communities reached via our pre-Yom Haatzmaut
                 service to the State of Israel, and to support Olim and those who              Shabbat and weekend programs led by 70 top Israeli rabbis and educators.
                 are serving Israel.
                                                                                           May 2018
                                                                                             • Launch of RZA-Mizrachi Speakers Bureau - Connecting to the Torah of
                 STRENGTHEN - ENCOURAGE - SUPPORT                                               Israel through the teaching of over 100 premier Israeli rabbis, educators and
                                                                                             • Inaugural Meetings of the RZA Rabbi and Educator Advisory Committees
                                                                                             • Community-Wide Yom Yerushalayim Programming in Chicago and Los
                                                                                           Y e t   t o   c o m  e . . .

                                                                                             •  Adult Le arning Missions - for synagogue groups interested in a week of
                                                                                                learning in a variety of Religious Zionist Yeshivot, afternoons filled with
                                                                                                trips lead by Zionist leaders and evenings full of comradery.
                                                                                             •  Yar ch ei Kallah - Programming for families visiting Israel, particularly those
                                                                                                visiting a student during his or her "gap year" at yeshiva or seminary.
                                                                                             •  Machal & Sherut Leumi - Support for religious young men and women who
                                                                                                have chosen to serve in the IDF or Sherut Leumi with or without making
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