Page 25 - HaMizrachi RH-YK 5784 - North America
P. 25

very pale, as if completely bloodless. I noticed that he
               was bandaged. And I realized that a mistake had been
               made: he was brought to us even though he was already
               bandaged and should have been placed in the line of the
               wounded waiting to be flown to the hospital. But since
               Chanan was already there, I decided to examine him.”
               The examination saved Chanan’s life. Sabato discovered
               that in the storm of battle, the medics made a mistake
               and had not bandaged one of his severe wounds. The
               blood was draining so heavily from him that Chanan
               was about to die. The medics hurried to dress the
               wound, but even so, the doctor estimated that Chanan
               had no chance of reaching the hospital alive after
               losing so much blood. Since they had no more doses of
               blood left, the doctor ordered three medics, including
               Rav Sabato, to lie on the floor and donate blood. They   Chanan Porat wounded in the hospital. (PHOTO: HAGGAI HUBERMAN)
               quickly checked which blood was suitable, and injected
               it into Chanan’s body. “Suddenly the color came back   Ichud, and its title was “An Invitation to Cry.” Despair
               to his cheeks, and we saw how a dead man could come   seeped into him from every line: “Together we will cry
               back to life,” Rav Sabato recalled. “He opened his eyes,   over the dreams we have given up, over the great things
               looked at me and recognized me. I said to him: ‘Chanan,   that have become small, over the gods who lied, over
               when you get back to Israel, say hello to my parents.’ We   the false prophets who have risen to greatness, for the
               didn’t know if we would get out of that inferno alive.”  lack of taste, the lack of will, the lack of power, for
               Ari Elon, son of Judge Menachem Elon and brother of   the present that does not possess a single ray of light,
               Rabbi Benny Elon, was among those who evacuated   and for the future that will be never be the same. We
               Chanan by helicopter. “Chanan was waiting for the   will cry for the newly bereaved, the new widows and
               helicopter to evacuate him,” he recalled, “and the chief   the new orphans, for the strong friendships that were
               medic, Professor Itamar Pitovsky, told me that I should   cut apart, for the illusions that were shattered, for the
               talk to him the entire flight because he is in a serious   speculations that were proven to be baseless, for the
               condition, and that he should not be given water.” And   truths that were discovered to be lies, for the plans that
               that’s exactly what Ari Elon did: he talked to Chanan   were made but will never happen and for the sadness
               the entire time so he wouldn’t lose consciousness.   that came down like a cloud over every joy, forever…”
               “Chanan was in a stupor, but he managed to talk to me.   “Lapid’s deep despair hurt me so much,” Chanan later
               He showed me his daughter Efrat’s red hat. I wanted to   said, “that I felt that the wounds were reopening in me:
               see if he was conscious and so I asked him what day it   Master of the universe, after all the trials and crises and
               was. Half fainting, Chanan answered: ‘Today is Shabbat,   failures, Am Yisrael rose up and defeated its enemies. If
               אֹב ָל ה ָבֹור ְק ה ָאּופ ְרּו קֹע ְז ִּ ל ִמ אי ִה ת ָּ ב ַ ׁש, Shabbat is not a day to   we had merited it, we would be obligated to say Hallel
               cry out, may healing soon come.’ Then he tried to wink   for victory in the Yom Kippur War – and he invites us
               at me and convince me to give him water, even though   to cry? At that moment, the spark was born in me that
               the doctor forbade it. I said goodbye to him when the   later led me to establish Gush Emunim.”
               helicopter took him to the hospital.”
               The long weeks of recovery after the injury led Chanan    This article was originally published in Hebrew in Matzav
               to long reflections and soul-searching. ‘Why was I   HaRuach.
               injured? Why was I saved? What hint was Heaven send-
               ing me? What is the most important thing I can do so
               that this life, which was given to me as a gift, will not
               be in vain?’ As he continued thinking, he came to the
               conclusion that if he had received his life as a gift, he
               must now dedicate it to action on behalf of the people of
               Israel. But what should he do? This he didn’t yet know.
               One of the articles that influenced him in those days,
               when he was lying wounded in the hospital, was an             Haggai Huberman
               article that he read in the kibbutz movement’s maga-     is an Israeli journalist and author,
               zine, Shadmot. The article was written by the journal-   and the editor of Matzav HaRuach.
               ist Arnon Lapid, a member of Kibbutz Givat Chaim

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