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P. 20

Golda Meir

                                                    From Failure

                                                       to Heroism                                                   (PHOTO: MARION S. TRIKOSKO/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)

                                                            Odelia Glausiusz

                  riana Fallaci, an Italian   come to Palestine, to go to [Kibbutz] Mer-  infinitely preferable to deal with power’s
                  journalist famed for her   havia, to be active in the Labour move-  confounding implications than to be pow-
                  rigorous, unyielding inter-  ment,” she wrote. “But the position I was   erless again.” Her stoic leadership steered
        Oviews of world leaders, left       now to occupy? Never. I only knew that   Israel to victory at a time when it faced
        her first meeting with Golda Meir in   now I would have to make decisions every   the greatest threat to its existence. Yet
        despair. “What am I to do with a woman   day that would affect the lives of millions   for Golda herself, none of this mattered.
        like that? She reminds me so much of my   of people.”                   “It matters only that I, who was so accus-
        mother – the same gray curly hair, her                                  tomed to making decisions – and who did
        tired and wrinkled face, that sweet and   The Yom Kippur War broke out under   make them throughout the war – failed to
        energetic look.” In a recent press con-  Golda’s watch, taking the lives of over   make that one decision [insist on an ear-
        ference for the upcoming biopic, Golda,   2,500 Israeli soldiers, and was, in Golda’s   lier call-up]. I shall live with that terrible
        actress Helen Mirren called Meir “one of   own words, “a near disaster.” Heavily crit-  knowledge for the rest of my life. I will
        the most extraordinary characters I’ve   icized for her failure to mobilize troops   never again be the person I was before the
        ever played,” noting “…she was perfectly   early enough – despite having acted on   Yom Kippur War.”
        happy to toddle around in the kitchen   the assurances of military intelligence –
        making everyone coffee and playing the   she resigned from her position after the   Later in life, she visited her old school
        grandmotherly role. It’s a very different   war and went into retirement. Golda was   in Milwaukee. She told students that far
        attitude to power… but it’s still immense   exonerated by the official commission of   more important than deciding on their
        power.” Still, Golda’s empathy and amiabil-  enquiry after the war’s end, which praised   career was deciding the way they want
        ity should not be confused with weakness.   her for her wisdom, common-sense and   to live: “If you are going to be honest with
        “I defy anyone to argue that Zionism is   speedy decision making. The shrewd fore-  yourself and honest with your friends, if
        not utterly incompatible with pessimism,”   sight she displayed in rejecting the idea of   you are going to get involved with causes
        Golda wrote in her memoir. Her relentless   a pre-emptive strike (and the warm rela-  that are good for others, not only for
        determination, coupled with her care and   tionship she had earlier cultivated with   yourselves, then it seems to me that that
        devotion for Israel and its citizens, shaped   Richard Nixon) allowed for an invaluable   is sufficient, and maybe what you will be
        Golda into a woman who was, in the words   airlift of planes and weapons from Amer-  is only a matter of chance.” Golda Meir
        of Yehuda Avner, “an epic embodiment of   ica that steered the course of victory deci-  became the great leader that she was pre-
        true legends and legendary truths.”  sively in Israel’s favor. During the war, she   cisely because she did not seek out power.
                                            barely left her office, and stayed true to the   Her “immense power” lay in her rejection
        Golda Meir made Aliyah from Milwaukee   lesson she learned during the desperate   of power’s trappings, in her empathy, her
        in 1920 and became increasingly involved   years prior to Israel’s independence: “One   idealism and her tireless action on behalf
        in political affairs. In 1948, she flew to the   can always push oneself a little bit beyond   of her country and its citizens.
        US and defied everyone’s expectations   what only yesterday was thought to be the
        by singlehandedly stirring the hearts of   absolute limit of one’s endurance.”
        American Jewry with her powerful rhet-
        oric, returning to Israel with fifty million   Avner movingly describes Meir’s Sukkot
        dollars – double the amount hoped for.   visit to soldiers attempting to celebrate
        When she was voted in as prime minister   the holiday on a desolate battlefield. She
        after the sudden death of Levi Eshkol in   talked to them with the “countenance
        1969 – after serving as Israel’s ambassador   of a concerned grandmother… [O]n that
        to the Soviet Union, as Labour Minister,   Sukkot day, this indefatigable and impla-   Odelia Glausiusz
        Foreign Minister and Secretary-General   cable old woman represented the very   recently moved to Jerusalem
        of the Labour Party – she buried her face   essence of Jewish self-defense; she was   where she works as a freelance
                                                                                       writer and content curator.
        in her hands and cried. “I had planned to   the fervent agent of the view that it was

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