Page 16 - HaMizrachi RH-YK 5784 - North America
P. 16

Rabbi Wasserman and his family on a tank at Yad Lashiryon in Latrun.

        tank?” This religious soldier knew Rina
        from Bnei Akiva in Bnei Brak, and so he
        knew who I was. He said he would bring
        them to me. To this day, I wear those tefillin
        every day!

        How do you look back at the war and your

        experiences now?
        Many people focus on the failures of the
        Yom Kippur War – how Israel was sur-
        prised, and how close to 3,000 soldiers
        were killed. While these are definitely
        true, I don’t think people focus enough
        on the fact that we ended up winning the
        war! If we hadn’t stopped them, the Egyp-
        tians would have rolled into Be’er Sheva
        and the Syrians into Teveria. We prevented
        the destruction of Israel and we have to be
        thankful for and mindful of that. There
        was also a significant role played by the
        Hesder students, who served in hundreds
        of tanks, making a major impact on the
        war effort. Many Hesder students were
        killed and injured in the Yom Kippur War,
        and it made a big impact when Israeli soci-  Rabbi Wasserman (middle) with fellow soldiers on their tank.
        ety saw that yeshiva students took part and
        fought side-by-side with the rest of Israel   like a war movie. Decades later, I felt I was   of what happened, and we took a photo
        to defend our Land.                 ready to confront this – I gathered my chil-  together on the tank. I think of that tank
        On a personal note, for many years I had   dren and grandchildren, and we traveled   as my tank of victory, surrounded by my
        some type of PTSD. I couldn’t hear tank   to Yad LaShiryon, the Tank Museum at   family in Israel. ◼
        fire or even look at a picture of a tank,   Latrun. There I climbed onto a tank with
        and I certainly couldn’t watch anything   my whole family, told them the story

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