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        “Life with an ideal worth dying for is a life   Jewish strength. After the horrific murder
        worth living” (Dov Indig).          of eleven Israelis at the Munich Olympics,
                                            he wrote: “Alongside the sadness I was
            didn’t live through the Yom Kippur   also happy – the world remains the same,
            War, nor the pain, mourning and
            disillusionment that followed it. I’ve   but how different the state of the Jewish
        Ialways known the facts – that 2,656   people thirty years after the Holocaust!
        brave young men died, and over 9,000 were   This time, when Jews are being killed,
                                            the Jewish people have a state, they have
        wounded, sacrificing themselves to hold   an army, and they are capable of taking
        off the Syrian and Egyptian armies until   retribution on their enemies… What an
        reserve troops could arrive. But it wasn’t   enormous difference there is between the
        until I read  Letters to Talia that I truly
        understood what our people sacrificed   Jewish people in the Holocaust – “like a
                                            sheep being led to slaughter” (Yishayahu
        during those dark and painful days fifty
        years ago.                          53:7) – and the Jewish people of our own
                                            generation – “poised like a lion, to tear
        Letters to Talia records two years of cor-  off arm and scalp” (Devarim 33:20)... Here
        respondence between Dov Indig hy”d, a   G-d has done us this great kindness, estab-
        deeply idealistic hesder student, and Talia,   lishing a state for us immediately after   for after two millennia of exile, our gen-
        a high school girl from a secular kibbutz in   the Holocaust and giving us superhuman   eration is blessed with a Jewish state. But
        northern Israel – a correspondence that   powers to beat all our enemies… When
        tragically ended when Dov was killed in   we race along in tanks, storming a target   they are also a challenge, to we who must
        a holding action on the Golan Heights   and firing, and there is the loud noise of   carry on his legacy. Are we doing our part
        on the second day of the war. The letters   engines and shells bursting, with every   to strengthen our people and our Land, to
        began after Dov met Talia’s father during   shell that I load into the turret I shout,   advance the final redemption, to build a
        his military service. Taken by the young   ‘Jewish blood is not cheap!’”  state worthy of Dov’s sacrifice?
        religious soldier’s thoughtfulness, Talia’s   Indeed, Jewish blood is no longer cheap.   May this year bring only blessing and
        father urged her to reach out to Dov and                                peace, to all of Am Yisrael. And may we
        ask him her questions about Judaism.   We are fortunate to live at a time when   soon see the day when Dov, and all of his
                                            every soldier sacrificed, every victim of
        The letters reveal both Dov and Talia to   terror, is properly felt as an incalculable   brothers in arms, are reunited in joy once
        be deeply thoughtful young people. A   loss. What path would Dov have taken,   again.
        bookworm, Dov was conversant in Jewish   what impact would he have had on our
        philosophy, Religious Zionist thought and   people, had he lived? Where would we
        a broad range of secular subjects, knowl-  be today, if those 2,656 young men who
        edge he drew upon to passionately defend   gave their lives to defend us had lived?  Elie Mischel
        and explain the Torah’s perspective on an   Fifty years later, these questions are no
        impressive array of topics – from mixed   less painful.
        dancing and intermarriage, to evolution   “If the State of Israel is a Jewish state, in
        and the Holocaust.
                                            which the life, culture and spirit of the
        Most striking of all is Dov’s intense ideal-  Jewish people are being renewed, in which
        ism and his pride in serving in the IDF. As   the Jewish people are living their ideals
        he began his third tour of duty in March,   and heritage, in which the Jewish people
        1973, Dov wrote to Talia: “Hurray! I’m a   are strengthening their Jewish identity
        soldier!... Every time I put on my uniform   and developing it, then it’s worth living
        and receive my rifle I’m filled with joy and   here, and even fighting if necessary – and
        pride and strength… What pride I feel with   even dying for it, if it is so decreed.”
        my weapon in my hand!”
                                            Dov wrote these words only a few months       Rabbi Elie Mischel
        The child of Holocaust survivors, Dov   before he gave his own life in defense of   is the Editor of HaMizrachi magazine.
        was painfully aware of the significance of   his people. They are at once a comfort,

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