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50 Years Later:

           Lessons from the Yom Kippur War

                                    Rabbi Dr. Leonard A. Matanky

                 n Yom Kippur 1973, I was daven-  Rejecting those calls, Rav Amital quoted   This is why our prayers are in the plural
                 ing at the Bnei Akiva minyan in   Rabbi Yehoshua d’Siknin (Tanchuma,   and why we invite every Jew and every
                 Chicago. Slowly over the course   Chukat), who taught that military failures   sinner into this day. On Yom Kippur, the
        Oof the morning, we began to        result not from sins between man and G-d,   entire Jewish people must come together.
        hear reports that Israel was at war. We   but from interpersonal sins – the sins of
        didn’t know if the rumors were true, but   “bein adam l’chaveiro.” Rav Amital called   This may also be why we dress in white,
        after mussaf, we ran over to the corner   on all of us to look inside ourselves and   for white is not only a sign of purity, but
                                                                                also a sign of unity. And this is also why, in
        newsstand, saw the headlines, and real-  repair the divide that exists within our   the times of the Beit HaMikdash, the prayers
        ized that the war had begun.        community.
                                                                                of our entire nation were focused upon the
        During that day, bits and pieces of infor-  To this day, the greatest danger to the   service of one person, the Kohen Gadol, who
        mation filtered in, and our tefillot took on   Jewish people is not assimilation, but   represented us all.
        a new sense of urgency as we realized how   division, discord, and dissension – for the   Fifty years ago, on Yom Kippur, Jews
        serious the situation had become.   secret to Jewish survival is our care for   united around the State of Israel. Since
                                            our fellow Jews.
        The bogrim (college-aged Bnei Akiva-niks)                               then, so much has happened – both for
        among us were soon making plans to   In the context of Yom Kippur, this explains   the good and the not-so-good. This Yom
        travel and volunteer in Israel, as did   two unique features of the holy day. The   Kippur, as we look back and remember, let
        the senior class of my high school, Ida   first is our request of G-d at the beginning   us set aside the issues that divide us and
        Crown Jewish Academy. Those of us who   of the fast to permit us to pray with those   remember the power of unity, the need
        remained in Chicago were excused from   who have sinned. And the second is that all   to strengthen our relationship with one
                                            of our prayers for forgiveness are phrased
        school to collect tzedakah for Magen David   not in the singular but in the plural.   another and the never-ending commit-
        Adom.                                                                   ment we must have to all of Klal Yisrael.
                                            After all, why do I refer to “our guilt,”
        I didn’t yet know the term “existential   “ashamnu,” and not “my guilt,” “ashamti”?
        crisis,” but during those first few months   And why make my efforts to seek forgive-
        of the war, I felt it.              ness more difficult by including those who
        During those early days of the war, Rav   are sinners and not just those who seek a
        Yehuda Amital zt”l took a leave of absence   constant connection with G-d? We do this
        from his yeshiva, Yeshivat Har Etzion, to   because Yom Kippur is the day we turn
        visit soldiers on the front and provide   inwards, away from the universal message   Rabbi Dr. Leonard A. Matanky,
        religious and emotional support for   of Rosh Hashanah, and seek to rebuild the   PhD, is the immediate past co-president
        those defending the Land. In a now-fa-  unity of our people.               of the Religious Zionists of America,
        mous sicha, “L’mashmeuta shel Milchemet   On Yom Kippur we begin by admitting   rabbi of Congregation K.I.N.S of West
        Yom HaKippurim,” he spoke of the lessons   our own failings and then move outward   Rogers Park in Chicago, IL, and head of
        to be learned from the war and challenged   to our fellow Jews. We say in the Amida,   school of Ida Crown Jewish Academy.
        those who called on others to do teshuva   “Melech Mochel V’soleiach La’avonateinu,” the   He is a board member of World
                                                                                   Mizrachi, an honorary governor of the
        for their lack of faith and observance, their   King who forgives our sins, “v’la’avonot Amo   Orthodox Union, and past president of
        hubris and miscalculations which led to   Beit Yisrael,” and the sins of His nation, the   the Rabbinical Council of America.
        the war.                            House of Israel.

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