Page 3 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 3


                                                                                      Rabbi Doron Perez

                             THE IMPACT OF

                    SO FEW ON SO MANY

            here are less Jews in the world    For me, one of the most profound    belief in one G-d, a personal G-d who
            than a rounding error of a Chi-    lessons of Jewish history is this   created us and the world for a purpose,
      Tnese population census.                 –  so few can so deeply have an     the book lays the moral foundations
                                               impact on so many. That strength    and  spiritual  building  blocks  for  an
      I read a few years ago that an           lies not in numbers but rather in   entire nation.
      acceptable mistake in such a census      the  quality  of  spirit.  20th  century
      is 30 million – double the number of     American anthropologist, Margaret   The Book of Shemot is about how
      Jews in the world! Furthermore, there    Mead, made this point well when     this family gave birth to a people and
      are many more children in first grade    she famously said, “Never doubt     nation whose redemption from the
      in  China  (approximately  20 million)   that a small group of thoughtful    clutches of Egyptian oppression, its
      than there are Jews. Israel, one of the   committed citizens can change the   experience of Divine revelation and
      smallest countries in the world, can     world; it is the only thing that ever   acceptance of the Torah at Sinai,
      fit a whopping 460 times into China’s    has.”                               would eventually transform the moral
      landmass!                                                                    and spiritual course of all of human
                                             This is perhaps the story of the Jewish   history.
      Despite these figures, the remarkable   people in a nutshell.
      fact remains that this tiny people, of                                       So few impacting so profoundly on so
      less than one fifth of one percent of   An explicit verse in the Torah       many.
      the world’s population, has impacted   highlights  this  very  point  where  it
                                             states  that  we  are  the  smallest  of  all
      the course of humanity’s moral and     nations.  The verse implies that the   THE HASMONEANS
      spiritual history significantly more   basis for being singled out for a unique
      than China and arguably more than      Divine role is not a result of numerical   Nowhere is this more obvious than
      any other nation in history. Historian   strength but is rather rooted in the   in the Chanukah story. One man,
      Paul Johnson makes this point in the   realm of the spirit. It is linked to being   Matityahu the Priest, and his five sons:
      closing chapter of his monumental      an  Am Segula – a treasured people,   Yehudah, Shimon, Yochanan, Elazar
      work, “A History of the Jews,”    1    which is a unique spiritual and deeply   and Yonatan – one small family known
      when  summing  up  the  great  Jewish   transformative  metaphysical  trait  as the Hasmoneans, changed the
      contribution to the world:             facilitating  the  ability  to  impact  far   course of Jewish history forever. An
                                                                                   event which took place 2,300 years ago
                                             beyond a number quantum.
        “To them we owe the idea of                                                continues to echo into eternity.
        equality before the law, both Divine
        and human; of the sanctity of        ONE FAMILY, ONE PEOPLE                It was a time of Greek world
        life and the dignity of the human    This fundamental idea of so few       acculturation and the assimilation
        person; of the individual conscience   people having so great an impact is at   of the inhabitants of the conquered
        and so of personal redemption; of    the heart of Jewish living since time   nations and minorities throughout the
        the collective conscience and so     immemorial. Indeed, the whole book    Empire. Judea, the Jewish country at
        of social responsibility; of peace   of Bereishit is the story of one family.   the time, was heavily influenced by the
        as an abstract ideal and love as the   Adam and Eve and their children,    enticing hedonistic lure of Hellenistic
        foundation of justice, and many      Noah  and  his  wife  and  children  and   culture. The Jewish people were in
        other items which constitute the     the family of Abraham and Sarah, our   grave  danger  of  losing  their  national
        basic moral furniture of the human   forefathers and mothers and their
        mind.                                children. Through their passionate                       Continued on page 4

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