Page 50 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 50

Diary Diary

      Entries from Entries from


      by Ariela Schwartz

      TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2019            our nine-month-old baby, Carmel, and   a four-year-old who hasn’t yet learned
                                            my husband pulls Aliza, our sleeping   about death understands what it means
         was interrupted from a restless    four-year-old, out of bed and carries   to run for her life?
         sleep at 5:30 am when my husband   her out. Whoever gets to the door first
     I came into the room. “Ariela, just    unlocks and opens it for the other one,   The booms were constant. The sirens
      so you know, there’s stuff going on in   then closes it behind them.         continued:  7:04,  7:11,  8:31,  9:12,  9:54.
      Azza (Gaza). You should get dressed.”                                        “Just letting you know I’m going to the
      After hearing a deafening boom, my    The  adults  keep cool, smiling at the   bathroom,” is another way of saying
      husband, Asher, had checked the news   children gathering on the stairs, some   “You are now responsible for keeping
      to see if there had been a gas explosion   repeating loudly that everything is fine   both of the kids safe, don’t wait for me
      nearby.  What  he  heard  had  actually   as they try to drown out the booms   in case of a siren.”
      come from Azza, 15 kilometers away.    from overhead – some so loud that they
                                            shake the entire building. Internally,   My husband and I discussed leaving
      The Israeli Army had taken out an     people are keeping tabs, counting each   Ashkelon to go to stay with his parents
      Islamic Jihad leader, which meant it was   explosion… one-two-three, four…five...      in  Efrat,  where  there  are virtually no
      only  a  matter  of  time  before  rockets                                   sirens, ultimately deciding against it
      would start flying in our direction.   The sense of urgency and fear starts to   for fear of being caught by a siren while
      We live in an old building in Ashkelon   lift when someone inevitably cracks a   driving with the kids in the car.
      – no elevator, no safe rooms in the   joke about meeting up for coffee during   The day went on and the rocket-fire
      apartments. We’re separated from our   the next siren or having a building-  continued with us stuck inside our
      bomb shelter by four floors. With only   wide pajama contest.                apartment building, glued to the news.
      30 seconds to get to safety, when there   The next siren came exactly 30 minutes   No showering, no trips to the park
      is a siren we follow protocol and leave   later, at 6:35.                    across the street, no makolet (grocers)
      our apartment, shut the door behind                                          runs – just waiting for the next siren as
      us, descend one flight, and gather on   The look of sheer terror mixed with   we try to entertain our kids with games
      the north side of the building.       surprise on Aliza’s face as she hears   and coloring books.
                                            each siren sticks with me. She’s well-
      We were well prepared for our first   practiced, and every time without fail,   Finally,  the  rocket-fire  eased-up
      siren at 6:05. We followed our plan as   she drops whatever she’s doing and   toward the late afternoon. With the
      we  had  countless  times  before.  I  grab   runs to the door. How could it be that   uncertainty of what tomorrow would

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