Page 51 - HaMizrachi #15 2019 Chanuka USA
P. 51

bring, we got the kids ready for bed as   TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2019         We were thinking only of our girls.
                                            This  evening my husband  and  I went   Across the street, up the stairs to our
      At 7:00 pm, an announcement was       to a barbecue with friends. We hired a   building, into the building, and up the
      released that schools and work would   16-year-old babysitter to watch our two   three flights, we ran. As people made
      be canceled the next day as well.     girls, leaving well after they had both   their way down, as far away from the
      Clearly, the army was prepared for    fallen asleep.                         roof as they could possibly get, we were
      another long day of rocket-fire, so
      while it was quiet, we made the quick   About 30 minutes after arriving at our   moving up.
      decision to leave Ashkelon and head for   friends’ house, our phones lit up – red   We  got  to  our  front  door  to  find our
                                            alert in Sderot. A few minutes later, my
                                            phone pinged with a message from the   babysitter standing in the hallway,
      Within half an hour we were on the    babysitter: “Hey, sorry to bother you!   holding our baby, with our four-year-
      road.  With  our  windows  rolled  down   Not to worry you, but there was just a   old right next to her.
      so that we would immediately hear a   red alert in Sderot. I wanted to know
      siren, we were prepared to stop the car,   where to go when there is a siren, just   I didn’t know who to hug first. Do I
      jump out, unbuckle our kids, and cover   in case.”                           take the baby into my arms? Do I scoop
      them, our bodies turning into shields   I wrote back to her that it’s a little bit of   up my four-year-old? Do I squeeze this
      for our little ones. Thankfully that   a problem – we don’t have a safe room   16-year-old girl, who put the safety of
      didn’t happen. Each kilometer that we   in our apartment, so when there’s a   my children before her own?
      drove east brought us more relief, and   siren, we  pick  the girls up and  take
      half-way through the drive, we felt our   them out into the stairwell. I added   Once the kids were back in bed, Liraz,
      bodies relax for the first time all day.   that if she can’t manage to do that, it’s   our babysitter, started to tear up. She
      Leaving Ashkelon during a tense       completely understandable, but she     explained that she’s used to being
                                                                                   taken  care  of  during  sirens,  not  being
      time is always extremely difficult for   should try  to get them  both  into  the   responsible for others. She said that she
      us. We’re bailing – on our building,   hallway in our apartment – away from   was proud of herself that she managed
      on  our  community,  and  on  our  city.   windows to the outside.
      We’re unable to participate in the    Life carried on as usual in Ashkelon,   to get out with them on time. I was
      volunteering committee that brings    we thoroughly enjoy our evening,       proud of her too.
      necessities to the elderly and sick when   finally leaving half an hour after we had   I’m usually calm during sirens. I’ve
      they are unable to leave their homes.   originally planned.                  experienced  them  more  times  than
      Ultimately though, the decision is an
      easy one. The lives and mental health   At 12:00, I messaged the babysitter to   I can count. This time was different.
      of our children come first.           let her know – “We’re on our way! So   This time I was away from my babies.
                                            sorry for the delay.” It would be about   This time we were  separated by a
      In between “rounds,” as we call them   another four-minute drive home.       30-second run.
      here in Ashkelon, life carries on as
      usual. It’s incredible  how quickly the   12:03. We were driving around the
      whole city bounces right back after a   traffic circle that puts us on our street. I   Ariela Schwartz made aliya in 2010 from
      ceasefire – from a ghost city one day to   was mid-sentence and suddenly “Shh!!!”   Baltimore, Maryland, and works as a
      a busy and bustling city the next.    My husband said and rolled down the    Health and Medical Content Writer
                                            window. There it was. The slow and
      On a regular day, every park,         steady rise of a siren filled our ears. We
      restaurant, store and mall in Ashkelon   had 30 seconds.
      is  bursting  with  people.  People  who
      always  know where the  nearest  bomb   As soon as we were on our street I
      shelter is located. Not a single heart   yelled “STOP THE CAR!!” and we                Al HaNissim...
                                            came to a screeching halt.
      in Ashkelon doesn’t skip a beat at the                                             Over 600 rockets were
      sound of a distant motorcycle, an     My door was already open when the           fired into Israel from Gaza
      ambulance, or any other sound that    car stopped. With adrenaline pumping
      resembles that of an air-raid siren.   through our veins we ran – not to the       during the most recent
                                            closest building where our car was            flare-up of tensions.
      And every single night, before we go to   stopped – across the street and over   m
      sleep, my husband kindly checks that   one building to get to our kids.             Not one Israeli citizen
      our bathrobes are hooked on top of our                                                   was killed.
      towels for easy access – just in case.   We weren’t thinking about our safety.

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