Page 45 - HaMizrachi Rosh HaShana - Yom Kippur 5783 USA
P. 45

How did you come to start working  Tell us about one of  your major   case, Ivan Demjanjuk was eventually
      for the Wiesenthal Center?       cases.                          convicted of being an accessory to the
                                                                       murder of 28,000 people at the Sobibor
      In 1978, I was invited to become the   One day I got an email from a   death camp. He was sentenced to five
      first director of the Simon Wiesenthal   gentleman in Scotland, a non-Jew   years, but wasn’t jailed, unfortunately,
      Center in Los Angeles, and I spent two   who had a Hungarian girlfriend, and   because he died before his appeal was
      years there. I returned to Israel in 1980   who participated with her in some   concluded. I always joke that I’m the
      and worked here for the United States   social gatherings of Hungarians.   only Jew in the world who prays for the
      Office of Special Investigations for six   He wanted me to know that he had   good health of Nazis – at least the ones
      years. I began to develop the tools with   met an older man there who used to   who can be brought to justice.
      which I could identify the escape paths   brag that he helped deport Jews to
      of thousands of Nazi war criminals,   Auschwitz. With the assistance of a
      but at that time the only country that   journalist from the Glasgow Herald, I   There are so many who have avoided
      was taking any legal action against   discovered that this man was still in  justice…
      these Nazis was the USA. Yet we knew   touch with his former superior officer,   Look, there are many great obstacles to
      that many were living free, not only   Sandor Kepiro, a major Hungarian   securing a conviction. Most countries
      in South America, but in several other   war criminal who was involved in the   just don’t want to prosecute, so I have
      democratic countries. I approached   massacre of Jewish, Serb and Roma   to console myself with even partial
      Rabbi Marvin Hier, the founder and   residents of the city of Novi Sad in   victories.  I  made myself  a  scale  of
      dean of the Wiesenthal Center, and told   January 1942. He initially escaped to   achievement: 1) the person is publicly
      him that I could flood those countries   Argentina but returned to Budapest   exposed; 2) a government starts an
      with the names of so many suspects   in 1996, thinking he was safe. In 2006,   official investigation; 3) there’s an
      living in their midst that they would   when I learned that he was still alive, I   indictment; 4) the person stands trial;
      not be able to walk away from the   went to Budapest and with the help of   5) they are convicted; and 6) they go to
      issue. We did just that, and I’m proud   some local investigators I found that he   prison before they die.
      to say that Canada in 1987, Australia   was living quite openly, ironically right
      in 1989 and the United Kingdom in   across the street from a shul. What a
      1991 all passed laws to enable the   view for a Nazi mass murderer! It   Your achievements speak  for
      prosecution of Nazis who had entered   took five years to get him into court,   themselves, but on a personal note,
      their countries illegally.       but in the end, to my great dismay, he  how has your work impacted your
                                       was released by the Hungarian court  personality?
      Most people probably think of you as   on a very questionable technicality.   I have never allowed what I do to ruin
      a sort of James Bond character with   Meanwhile, he had sued me for libel   my life and I’ve never turned this quest
                                       for labelling him as a Nazi, which he,
      all kinds of exciting adventures.                                into a personal obsession. I am at heart
                                       of course, denied. If I had lost the case   a historian of the Shoah, and my books
      You said before that no one grows   I might have been sentenced to two   testify to that. I remain committed
      up thinking that they’re going to be   years in jail. What could have been   to making sure that the Shoah will
      a Nazi hunter. But you have no idea   more ironic? That I would sit in a   neither be forgotten, nor ignored, nor
      how often people come up to me and   Hungarian jail while this war criminal   denied, nor distorted, and that those
      say, “You have my dream job!” And they   would walk free!        countries which still today deny their
      want to volunteer, thinking that I’m                             involvement and their collaboration
      going to send them off to some exotic   How do you feel when a Nazi whose   will not be left in peace.
      place with a big budget to go look for   case you’ve worked on is brought
      who knows what. But that’s not the
      way it works. Although I do spend a   to trial?                  David Olivestone is an award-winning
      lot of time traveling around the world,   I don’t feel any sense of relief, if that’s   writer who served on the staffs of the British
      it’s almost all careful and protracted   what you mean, until the person   Museum and of the Encyclopaedia Judaica.
      research, devoting years to following   is  convicted  and  punished.  But  in   He was Director of Communications at the
      a trail, helping the authorities build a   Germany, for example, as long as the   Orthodox Union in New York before making
      case, and searching for survivors who   defendant’s appeal has not been heard,   Aliyah to Jerusalem with his wife Ceil in 2013.
      can testify in court.            they don’t go to jail. In a well-known   (PHOTO ON FACING PAGE: ILANA DREYER-ZUROFF)

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