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P. 14

                on           Should we be Actively Building  the Beit HaMikdash?

                Rabbi Shlomo Aviner             Therefore, even though, with God’s     So we have to wait.
                                                help, we have merited a government
                                                which has the status of kingship to    Even when King David wished to build
                  fter the incredible victory   a certain  extent, it is  definitely not a   the Temple, God told him that the time
                  in the Six-Day War in         complete kingship,  and so we need to   had not yet arrived. God told him: Now
          A 1967, our Rabbi, Rabbi              focus all of our energy in this direction.  is the time of wars. Now is the time of
          Zvi Yehuda HaKohen Kook, would                                               building up the kingdom. The time for
          emphasize Maimonides’ words at the    However, there is something else that   building the Temple will come later –
          beginning of the Laws of Kings, that the   we should do to advance the building   through your son Solomon.
          establishment of the Kingship of Israel   of  the  Beit  HaMikdash.  Maimonides
          precedes the building of the Temple,   wrote in Hilchot Beit HaBechira (6:6),   The halachic delay tells us that the time
          and that our current mission is not   that the holiness of the Land of Israel is   has not yet arrived.  We have a lot of
                                                                                       work ahead of us. When the Six-Day
                                                established through conquest, whereas
          to build the Temple but to build the
       "                                        is determined by way of the Divine     for his top students recommenced, he
                                                the  holiness  of  the  site  of  the  Temple
                                                                                       War ended and Rav Tzvi Yehuda’s class
          Kingship of Israel.
                                                                                       humbly asked, “What should we learn
                                                                                       now?” One student suggested, “Perhaps
          Every mitzvah
                                                And how do we cause the Divine
                                                                                       the laws of the Temple?” Our master
                                                                                       warmly grasped that student’s hand and
                                                Presence to come to rest on that site?
          of every Jew
                                                and love. In the Amidah prayer, one of
                                                                                       have a lot more to learn about the laws
          throughout                            Through Torah and Mitzvot, kindness    said to him, “Before we learn that we
                                                the blessings is “God builds Jerusalem,”
                                                                                       of kings and their wars.”
          the world and                         in which “Jerusalem” is referring to the   Nevertheless, throughout history the Jews
                                                Temple and “builds” is in the present
          throughout the                        tense. Yet how is God building it? We   have  expressed a  longing  for  the  Temple
                                                                                       and the Temple Mount, and every prayer
                                                don’t see anything happening right now.
          generations                           Surely we should be saying, “He will   ends  with:  “May it be God’s will that the
                                                                                       Temple should be rebuilt speedily in our days.”
                                                build it”?
          builds Jerusalem,                                                            We should derive strength and courage
          and when a                            We do not see because we are looking   from  this  burning longing  to  add  one
                                                through our limited, mortal eyes.
                                                                                       more mitzvah, more Torah learning, more
          certain amount                        Rabbi  Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook   kindness and more holiness.
                                                explained that every mitzvah of every Jew
          is reached, the                       throughout the world and throughout the   One by one, mitzvah by mitzvah, kindness
                                                                                       by kindness, the Temple will be rebuilt.
                                                generations builds Jerusalem, and when
          Temple will                           a certain amount is reached, the Temple
          actually be                           will actually be constructed. A particularly   1 government  was  elected  by  a  majority,  it  contains  some  of  the
                                                                                        Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook explains that since the
                                                important mitzvah is groundless love, as in
          constructed                           Rav Kook’s famous words that the Third   obligations of kingship but none of the privileges.
                                                Temple will be built through groundless
                                                                                          If we are unable to build the Temple for halachic reasons, it is a
                                                love (Orot HaKodesh 3:324).            sign that God does not yet want us to do so.

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