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Opening a World of Opportunities in Israel

                                        "Many individuals seeking real estate opportunities often
                                        explore only 10% of the potential available to them. Our
                                        commitment lies in assisting individuals in accessing the
                                        remaining 90%.
                                        Menachem Mendel (Meny) Greenbaum, a 37-year-old resident of Modiin,
                                        Israel, stands as a trailblazer in the country's real estate sector. Real estate
                                        has deep roots within his family, influenced significantly by his American,
                                        Canadian-born parents. However, it is his great-grandfather, Rabbi Menachem
                                        Mendel Kasher, who serves as Meny's primary source of inspiration. Rabbi
                                        Kasher was a distinguished figure, renowned for his prolific writings, business
                                        acumen, staunch Zionism, and affiliation with the Ger Hasidic community. He
                                        first came to Israel in the 1920s, relocating to Gush Etzion and beginning land
            acquisitions in the area long before development commenced. Menachem Mendel takes great pride in carrying
            forward his great-grandfather's legacy by contributing to the construction of communities in Israel today and
            continuing his scholarly work, particularly his seminal work on Tora Sheleima.
            In his capacity as a real estate developer, Menachem Mendel, often referred to as Meny, has played a pivotal
            role in numerous real estate transactions. His latest venture, Meny Group, has successfully closed hundreds
            of deals in just the past two years. He finds particular satisfaction in the fact that 70% of their current deals
            involve returning clients who recognize the excellence of their investments and take pride in being part of their
            growing community.
            Meny Group specializes in various investment opportunities, extending beyond the conventional practice of
            selling apartments under construction. According to Meny, the most substantial profit potential lies in the
            earlier stages of development, starting from land improvement and neighborhood planning. Consequently,
            the group participates in projects from their inception, including land acquisition during the planning phase.

            This comprehensive involvement allows investors to engage with Meny Group with investments starting as low
            as $100,000, all the way up to large-scale investors acquiring projects valued at hundreds of millions of dollars.
            John Garcia, the VP General Manager of Meny Group, emphasizes that each project possesses its unique
            characteristics, just as each investor has distinct preferences and goals. As Menachem Mendel himself puts
            it, "Before introducing you to a specific project, we take the time to understand you as a client, considering
            your objectives, budget, and more. We have a diverse portfolio of projects at various stages, and our aim is to
            present options that align with your needs. Moreover, we view ourselves as genuine partners in these ventures,
            as we only offer projects that we've personally invested in, which aligns with our guiding values. We are always
            the first investor in any project and the last one to take any money out of it. We want our clients to experience
            the same peace of mind that we seek for ourselves."

            In addition to catering to individual investors, Meny Group has expanded its scope to collaborate with
            communities. They have partnered with several rabbis who approach them with aspirations of facilitating
            group Aliyah (immigration to Israel) for their congregations. In specific projects, such as the Hashmonaim
            development, where they oversee the entire neighborhood's construction, they allocate spaces for synagogues
            and other public facilities to support the community.
            Despite fluctuations in the market, it remains evident that Israel continues to offer robust real estate investment
            opportunities. According to Meny, several factors contribute to this resilience. "Firstly, besides the fact that real
            estate is generally considered a good investment all over the world, in Israel specifically, the attraction is even
            greater due to the high and increasing demand resulting from population growth through births and Aliyah,
            while at the same time, the supply is low and getting lower. Secondly, the devaluation of the shekel makes
            investments from abroad more favorable," he explains. "Moreover, I've heard from one of my investors that
            there is no instance of property purchased in Israel from 1948 to the present day that has not appreciated in
            value. At Meny Group, we firmly believe that Israel is our homeland, a place imbued with unique blessings, and
            we are committed to helping all our clients partake in this journey."
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