Page 16 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
P. 16

The Future

                                                            of Aliyah

                                                                    An Interview With

                                                                   Minister Ofir Sofer

             Since the State of Israel was established just 75 years ago, the country has absorbed over
               3 million olim. Ofir Sofer, Israel’s Minister of Aliyah and Absorption, works every day to
                                   welcome and assist olim from Moscow to Miami.
             Rabbi Aron White met with Minister Sofer to hear about his plans, his trips to the USA and
                           France, and to discuss the future of communal Aliyah to Israel.

        Minister Sofer, thank you for meeting with us. You became   Soviet Union because of the war between Russia and
        the Minister of Aliyah in December of last year. What are   Ukraine. Is this the new normal? Are we in the middle of
        your goals for the ministry?                          another wave of mass Aliyah?
        As a religious Jew, I am deeply inspired by the mission of shivat
        Tzion, of helping the Jewish people to return home to their Land.   In the first few months of the war there was a spike of olim from
        Historically, most of the waves of mass Aliyah have been driven by   Ukraine, followed by an increase from Russia, and recently we
        crises like antisemitism, war or economic challenges. That exists   are specifically seeing large numbers coming from Moscow. We
        today too, but we also want to do everything for those who are   have to be realistic – most people do not expect that the war
        making Aliyah for more ideological and inspired reasons. There   will end tomorrow, so we have to continue to be ready for this.
        are countless practical things that we do, from running ulpanim,   When I became the Minister, the Ministry was actually operating
        to receiving olim from all over the world to providing financial   under crisis mode, as it had been overwhelmed by this sudden
        assistance to olim already in the country, so we can do everything   increase in olim. Much of my initial months were spent restoring
        possible to help Jews move and integrate in their homeland.   regularity in how we operated.

                                                              As much as each country has its own needs, the increase in
        Let’s start with today’s biggest Aliyah story. Last year,   Aliyah from one place does affect olim from everywhere. Our ulpan
        75,000 people made Aliyah, the highest number in a    programs were overflowing, and we had to open new programs
        year since 1999. Most of these olim came from the former   to be able to cater for the demand.

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