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more new cities and moshavim built from as well. Just like the now veteran neigh- planned on a huge scale. Carmei Gat is
scratch. Israel already has well over 1,000 borhoods of Ramat Beit Shemesh, each of one such new mega-neighborhood that
towns and cities, and as a small country, these new neighborhoods have hundreds has become very popular with Anglos. An
protecting empty land is very important. of Anglo families, with shuls and develop- extension of the existing town of Kiryat
For this reason, other forms of develop- ing institutions. Gat, over 7,000 apartments have been built
ment are now becoming more common. These types of new neighborhoods are a in the neighborhood, with another 10,000
good policy choice for many reasons. The due to be built in the coming years. Hun-
New neighborhoods existing town has infrastructure, from dreds of young Anglo couples have recently
Israel is also building more homes by transport to medical to commercial ser- moved to Carmei Gat, with new malls and
expanding existing cities through new vices, and so it is not necessary to build all train stations due to open in the coming
neighborhoods, which can rely on the of this from scratch for the new neighbor- years. Carmei Gat is particularly attractive
city’s pre-existing infrastructure. One of hood. This can also be a way of strength- because of the traditionally lower housing
the most successful examples of this model ening older towns that are in need of an prices in Kiryat Gat, making it affordable
is the city of Beit Shemesh. In 1995, the influx of young people and investment. for young families. It’s possible to buy a
city had 25,000 residents, but since then The list of existing cities building new brand new apartment in a new neighbor-
has built a successive list of new neigh- neighborhoods is almost endless, from hood more cheaply than in many older
borhoods. Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph, Netanya to Ashdod to Kfar Saba. Many parts of the country.
Ramat Beit Shemesh Bet and Ramat Beit cities popular with Anglos have recently
Shemesh Gimmel have already been devel- built or are currently building new neigh- There are likely to be many more of these
oped, each with their own flavor, as the borhoods, including the Tamar and Dagan types of communities developing in the
city has expanded dramatically to 160,000 neighborhoods in Efrat, Nofim and More- coming years. A more yeshivish Anglo com-
residents. In recent years, the Mishkafayim shet in Modi’in, Ir Yamim in Netanya and munity is developing in the Rova Yizrael
area of Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph and Neve Zamir in Ra’anana, and of course Beit neighborhood of Afula, and many Anglos
Neve Shamir (Ramah Heh) have become have also bought on paper in Carmay
popular locations for Anglo olim, with new Some of these new developments are HaNadiv, a new neighborhood of Kiryat
Anglo developments in Ramat Avraham mega-neighborhoods, with construction Malachi. 2
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