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Why is the first day of Sukkot “rishon Henoch answers that the effort and toil in The Shem MiShmuel brings a proof that
l’cheshbon avonot”? Why does Hashem only preparing for the mitzvah is greater than preparation for the mitzvah is greater than
begin counting our sins from the first day the mitzvah itself. the mitzvah itself. While Bnei Yisrael was
of Sukkot? Rav Pinchas of Koretz cites the Wow! How can this be? Explains the Shem occupied in building the Mishkan, nobody
Zohar that states that there is a remnant MiShmuel – the mitzvah itself is covered complained about Moshe. Hashem was
light for 3 days that emanates from Yom in a physical garb. But the effort human worried that after the completion of the
Kippur, and so the power of atonement beings put into choosing the right lulav Mishkan they would go back to their com-
extends to the 3 days after Yom Kippur plaining ways. We see again that preparing
when Hashem does not count our sins. and building the most beautiful sukkah for a mitzvah is on a very high level indeed
is a light that is not clothed by anything
Then on Erev Sukkot we are so busy pre- physical – it is our will and spirit in pre- (Ki Tisa 1914).
paring our lulav and sukkah that we don’t paring for the mitzvah. The light that is Let us all revel in these wonderful days
have the time to sin (Imrei Pinchas, 4:176). unclothed is greater than the light that is that Hakadosh Baruch Hu gives us to prepare
The Nahar Shalom cites the Megillat Setarim
which Rashi quotes in Devarim 11:13: “If surrounded and embodied in something properly for the mitzvot of Sukkot with all
physical (Motzaei Yom Kippur 1912).
of the right intentions and with all the
you leave me one day says Hashem, I will burning enthusiasm that we can muster.
leave you for two days.” There is a Torah The Bnei Yissaschar expands this concept.
principle that a positive act will bring The performance of a mitzvah is bound This essay commemorates the first yahrzeit
twice the reward than the punishment by physical limitations. But the careful of Ernest’s mother, Rochelle Agatstein, Rachel
that accrues from a negative act. Since preparation for a mitzvah, the stringencies bas Chanoch z”l (1919–2022), on the first
Hashem stays away from us for two days and effort to find the nicest etrog and build day of Sukkot, the very same yahrzeit as her
if we stay away from Him for one day (im the most beautiful sukkah with the most great-great-grandfather, Rav Shimon of Yaro-
ta’azvenu yom, yomayim azveka), He rewards beautiful decorations, has no bounds. slav (1760–1850). Many of the ideas in this essay
us with four special days (the four days The Ropshitzer explains that we prepare article emanate from Mesilot, a compendium of
between Yom Kippur and Sukkot) for for a mitzvah through our thoughts and Chassidic thought published by Mosdos Belz.
the one day (Yom Kippur) that we closely the inner stirrings of our hearts, which Chanoch Karniol, Rochelle Agatstein’s father,
cleaved to Him. are connected to the soul which burns was a dedicated Belzer chassid.
brightly with no limit. But we perform
The Shem MiShmuel asks in the name the mitzvah with our physical bodies and
of Rav Chanoch Henoch of Alexander: If limbs, and so physicality chills some of our
indeed our sins are not counted during
the four days between Yom Kippur and burning hitlahavut, enthusiasm.
the first day of Sukkot is rishon l’cheshbon The Sfat Emet adds that the preparation
avonot, the first day our sins begin to be for a mitzvah is greater than the fulfill-
counted, the question arises: how can ment of the mitzvah itself because who of
we not count our sins during the four us can fulfill a mitzvah properly, with all
days when we are only preparing to do of its details and kavanot? But the desire to Rabbi Dr. Ernest Agatstein
the mitzvot of lulav and sukkah, but we do prepare for the mitzvah and to follow what of Los Angeles is Past Presidium
count our sins on the first day of Sukkot Hashem wants of us is something we can member of the RZA and current Vice
President of Education for the RZA.
itself, when we are actually fulfilling the achieve (Ha’azinu 1874).
mitzvot of sukkah and lulav? Rav Chanoch
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