Page 6 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
P. 6

The First Day for

                   the Accounting

                                         of Sins

                                      Rabbi Dr. Ernest Agatstein

        T      he Shibbolei Haleket writes:  sincerity and forgives them and says to   and Sukkot have been given to Klal Yisrael

                                            them, ‘I forgive you for the sins you com-
                                                                                to occupy themselves in building the
               “On the four days between
                                            mitted since the end of Yom Kippur [the
                                                                                sukkah, to agonize over which lulav and
               Yom Kippur and the first day of
               Sukkot, tachanun was not recited   4 days between Yom Kippur and the first   etrog to purchase and to be so busy prepar-
        in Mainz. The reason is that the first Beit   day of Sukkot] and thus now the first day   ing for Sukkot that they have no time nor
        HaMikdash was dedicated by King Shlomo   of Sukkot will be rishon l’cheshbon avonot,   desire to sin. By not sinning immediately
                                            from today I will begin accounting for
        and all of Israel between the 8th of Tish-                              after Yom Kippur, they retroactively show
        rei and the 14th of Tishrei, and then they   your sins. That’s why it states ‘u’lekache-  that their teshuva during Elul and the Ten
                                            tem lachem bayom haRishon, And you shall
        celebrated the seven days of Sukkot and                                 Days of Repentance was indeed a sincere
        Shemini Atzeret as it states in Divrei   take them for yourselves on the first day,’   teshuva. This is why these four days are
                                            rishon l’cheshbon avonot.’” Here the Midrash
        HaYamim 2:7–9. They then returned to                                    indeed a holiday, for they are a completion
        their homes “happy and glad of heart.”   Tanchuma concludes.            of the teshuva process.
        Since it was such a joyous time, we refrain   The Levush explains that since Hashem
        from tachanun during the period between   does not start counting our sins until   Rabbi Yonatan Eibshitz reveals a tremen-
        Yom Kippur and Sukkot (Seder Yom HaKip-  the first day of Sukkot, these four days   dous insight. He states that just like the
        purim, 323).                        between Yom Kippur and Sukkot are con-  satan has no right to prosecute against Klal
                                            sidered a special holiday and we there-  Yisrael on Yom Kippur, the satan also does
        The Levush suggests another reason for                                  not have any power to prosecute during
        not saying tachanun during these days.   fore do not recite tachanun (Levush, Orach   the four days between Yom Kippur and
                                            Chaim 624). The Shlah Hakadosh codifies
        In Midrash Tanchuma, Parashat Emor 22,                                  on the first day of Sukkot when we carry
        Chazal ask: “It states ‘Take for yourselves   the law and states that we do not recite   the lulav and etrog. In Yoma 20a, Chazal
                                            tachanun between Yom Kippur and Sukkot
        [the lulav] on the first day.’ Is it the first                          teach that the numerical equivalent of
        day?  It  is rather the 15th day  and  yet   because during those days Hashem gave   haSatan, “the satan,” is 364, for the satan
                                            Am Yisrael a gift and forgives them for all
        you call it the first day? Rather it is the
        first day for calculating our sins (rishon   the sins they commit during those four   only has the right to prosecute Klal Yisrael
                                            days and does not start counting new sins
        l’cheshbon avonot). The Jewish people                                   364 days a year, but on Yom Kippur he
        sin all year. What does Hakadosh Baruch   until the first day of Sukkot, as it states,   cannot prosecute. Notes Rabbi Eibshitz,
                                            “You shall take for yourselves on the first
        Hu do? He says to do teshuva from Rosh                                  the satan’s name is not actually haSatan
        Hashanah until the fast of Yom Kippur.   day” – the first day of the count of sins   but rather satan! The extra letter “hei”
                                            (Sukkah 250, Mitzvah OT 2).
        And indeed the Jewish people repent from                                represents five extra days – the four days
        their sins and Hashem forgives them, as   The Tzlach goes further. If we admit and   between Yom Kippur and Sukkot plus the
        it states in Vayikra 16: ‘On this day you   declare our sinful ways during the Ten   first day of Sukkot. In truth, the satan only
        shall be atoned for.’ What does Klal Yisrael   Days of Repentance but then go back to   has 359 days to prosecute (Yearot Devash,
        do? They take their lulav on the first day   our sinful ways, it would show that our   2:10). What a holiday indeed are these
        of Sukkot and daven and praise Hashem.   teshuva was not sincere and meaningful.   special four days between Yom Kippur
        Hakadosh Baruch Hu is convinced of their   Thus these four days between Yom Kippur   and Sukkot!

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