Page 11 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
P. 11

A New Chapter in

                          Binyan HaAretz

                                              Rabbi Aron White

                     id you hear about the   to keep up. These are remarkable figures,   On the other end of the spectrum, Givot
                     new project in Carmei   equivalent to building a new Ra’anana,   Eden (Eden Hills) is a new yishuv 15 min-
                     Gat?” “I hear there’s a   Modi’in and Efrat every year for the next 20   utes from Beit Shemesh in the hills of
        “Dnew Anglo shul opening            years! Israel’s population is about to reach   Judea. Initially planned in the 1990s, it
        in Neve Shamir.” “There’s a group of fam-  ten million, and it is forecast to reach fif-  is now under construction, and the first
        ilies trying to start a new community in   teen million by the time Israel turns 100,   families will move there this summer.
        the north.”                         and building must keep pace.        There will ultimately be 400 families on
                                                                                the yishuv, many of whom are Anglos.
        For anyone living or visiting Israel in the   This sustained building spree is creating
        last few years, these snippets of conver-  fertile ground for new opportunities, and   These two developments also tell another
        sation about new construction and new   it is against this backdrop that many of the   story through their contrasts. Harish will
        communities will be familiar. While there   new Anglo communities are developing   be a city with tens of thousands of homes,
        have long been established Anglo com-  in new cities, new neighborhoods, and   the majority of which will be in apartment
        munities in Yerushalayim, Beit Shemesh,   renewed cities.               buildings, and due to the larger supply the
        Gush Etzion, Modi’in, Ra’anana and more,                                housing prices are relatively low. Givot
        it seems that there are no end of new proj-  New cities                 Eden will be a town with a few hundred
        ects, opportunities and Anglo communi-                                  mostly private homes, and due to the lower
        ties taking root across the country.   Israel is a young country, and it is still   supply, prices are very high. This is the
                                            establishing entirely new cities and towns.   story of recent Israeli construction where
        Each of these new Anglo communities   Even cities like Modi’in that are now well
        is only one sentence in the new chapter   established are less than 30 years old! In   in the past few years the construction of
                                                                                private homes has dropped as a percentage
        of Israel’s development, and one needs   recent years, two new locales that have
        to take a step back to see the larger pic-  developed Anglo communities are Harish   of homes being built. Due to Israel’s need to
                                                                                construct so many homes in so little time
        ture. Israel is engaging in a remarkable   and Givot Eden.              in a small country, the policy preference is
        construction spree that is quite literally                              undoubtedly for more apartments, making
        reshaping the country. Israel is con-  Harish is a new city in northern Israel,   private homes less common today.
        structing homes at a rate that may be   located next to Israel’s central Highway
        unparalleled in the Western world; one   6. The aim of the new city is to help   The development of new cities and yishu-
        out of every six homes in Israel today   spread Israel’s population more broadly   vim is what we most associate with Israeli
        was constructed since the year 2012. The   away from the center of the country.   history. From the building of the kibbutzim
        main driver of this construction is Israel’s   Despite being only ten years old,  there   before the foundation of the State to the
        remarkable demographics. Israel’s fertility   are already 35,000 residents living there,   1950s development towns, the story of
        rate of 3 is almost double that of the OECD   with all the developing aspects of a city –   Israel has been the story of new towns
 הבוט הנש
        average of 1.6. Combined with consistent   schools, malls, parks and even government   and cities being built by pioneers. There
        Aliyah from around the world, this means   approval this year for a hospital. In con-  are plans for more of these in the future,
        Israel’s population continues to grow, and   struction terms, it was the fastest grow-  including new yishuvim and a major city
        Israel needs to construct between 50,000   ing city in Israel in 2022, and is likely to   called Kasif in the Negev. Long-term,
        and 60,000 homes a year until 2040 just   continue growing over the coming years.  however, there are not likely to be many

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