Page 14 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
P. 14

CONSTRUCTION                                                                ד"סב


                        Beit Shemesh is Paving the Way to a Smooth Aliyah

        In the 1990s, Beit Shemesh underwent an incredible transformation, evolving from a small town into a bustling city that
        has become a magnet for Anglos. At the heart of this population explosion stands Yigal Realty, a pioneering force that has
        played a pivotal role in this growth.
        Meir Dombey, a key figure at Yigal Realty, reflects on their journey, stating, "We were there from the very inception of
        the first new neighborhoods 25 years ago." Nestled strategically between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Beit Shemesh became
        a beacon of opportunity, attracting religious and Anglo populations in the 90s. Today, Beit Shemesh leads in providing
        educational opportunities for Olim families, offering a smooth transition into the Israeli school system. Vibrant synagogues,
        enlightening lectures, and excellent Ulpan programs are readily available for families settling here. In recent years, the
        English-speaking senior population has also seen remarkable growth, with various benefits and social events tailored to
        their needs.
        Yigal Realty's influence and involvement have been widespread, particularly in the development of Ramat Beit Shemesh
        Aleph, expanding to include Ramat Shilo and Mishkafayim. Their passion and dedication continue to shine as they embark
        on exciting new building projects – Neve Amim, Rotshtein Heights, and Eucalyptus.

                                                             Neve Amim,  situated  in the enchanting  Neve Shamir, (on
                                                             the Eastern side of Neve Shamir, opposite the Mishkafayim
                                                             neighborhood) offers its unique charm with a country club,
                                                             parks, playgrounds, bike trails that connect the neighborhood
                                                             to  RBS A, shops,  and  thriving schools.  Residents  have
                                                             already started forming close-knit communities. Yigal Realty
                                                             collaborates with architects to create residences catering to
                                                             the American market's tastes, including spacious bedrooms,
                                                             garden apartments, penthouses, and exquisite finishes. See
                                                             the facing page for more info.
                                                                                                                                                                       R AMA T BEIT SHEME SH

        The Rotshtein Heights project, adjacent to Ramat Shilo, is
        distinguished  by  its  commitment  to  fostering  a  tight-knit
        community centered around a shul and Rabbinic leadership
        from day one – a rarity in Israel. As Rabbi Rothwachs, one of                                                                                It’s the new Anglo community
        the spiritual leaders beautifully articulates, "Our vision for
        Meromei Shemesh community within the Rotshtein Heights
        project, transcends bricks and mortar; it's about nurturing                                                                                                 in Neve Shamir
        growth. This is not just about geographical ascent through
        Aliyah; it is a journey deeply rooted in Torah values, blending
        American Jewish warmth, social vitality, and rich educational                                                                                      where you fit right in
        opportunities with the blessing of residing in Eretz Yisrael.”
        See contact information for Meromei Shemesh on the back
        cover.                                                                                                                               Vibrant cultural and         High end development            Adjacent to RBS A

                                                             In Nofei HaShemesh, the Eucalyptus project is taking shape,                     community life               with no public housing
                                                             offering peaceful living next to a sprawling eucalyptus grove. It
                                                             is an extension of Rabbi Shalom Rosner's flourishing American
                                                             community.  This  project  stands  out  in Beit  Shemesh's                                            20/80 payment terms
                                                             current construction scene, offering semi-detached homes
                                                             and charming small buildings  accommodating  only  four
                                                             apartments. Rabbi Rosner passionately states, "Every day,                                 Last chance for presale prices!
                                                             as I witness this construction, I am reminded of the words
                                                             of the Ramban, who declared that every community in our
                                                             homeland fulfills the sacred mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael."                                  Call NOW : 051-510-0743
                                                             Rabbi Rosner emphasizes their community's pillars of Torah,
                                                             Chesed, Ahavat Eretz Yisrael, and Ahavat Yisrael. See page
                                                             10 for more info.                                                 IL: +972-51-510-0743     USA: 516-595-4835
                                 Your dream home in Beit Shemesh awaits you!                                          |
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