Page 3 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
P. 3


        A Time for Vision and Hope          Even if they succeeded in rebuilding the   Though we may not realize it, G-d is with
                                                                                us. Great days are coming, “in just a little
                                            Beit HaMikdash, it would be a pale reflection
        I   t was an era of disappointment.   of its predecessor. This was not the glori-  while longer,” when G-d will “shake the
                                            ous return they yearned for in Babylonia!
                                                                                heavens and earth,” when we will merit
            The return to the Land began with
                                                                                the rebuilding of the Temple on  Har
                                            Chaggai acknowledges the disappoint-
            so much excitement. In the first year
            of his reign, Cyrus the Great granted   ment – but then exhorts the leaders of   HaBayit and the descendant of David and
                                                                                Zerubavel will lead us to a time of glory
        permission to the Judean exiles to return   Judah: “Be strong, O Zerubavel… be strong,   even “greater than the first one.”
                                            all you people of the Land… and act! For I
        home. Zerubavel and Yehoshua the Kohen
        Gadol led the first olim from Babylonia   am with you – says the G-d of Hosts” (Chag-  But why did Chaggai share this message
                                            gai 2:4). You may not see it, but G-d is with
        back to their homeland. And on that first   you, just as He was when He took you out   on Hoshanah Rabbah, of all days? Hosha-
                                                                                nah Rabbah is the day of the beating of
        Sukkot, the pioneers set up an altar in   of Egypt. There may be no nature-defying
        Jerusalem and brought sacrifices to G-d.                                the aravot, the humble willows that rep-
                                            miracles or seas that split, but G-d dwells   resent the condition of Am Yisrael in our
        But a painful reality soon overwhelmed   among you! “My spirit is still in your   time. Without water – without faith in
        the first returnees. The task of rebuilding   midst. Fear not!” (2:5). Those enemies that   our people and the vision of redemption
        the Beit HaMikdash was overwhelming.   plague you? The day will come when they   – the willow tree will wither away. But if
        The people lacked resources, and the   will pay for their evil. “And I will shake up   the elders of Israel bring “water” to the
        Samaritans did everything in their power   all the nations” (2:5). “In just a little while   people and inspire them with G-d’s awe-
        to undermine the process. Worst of all,   longer I will shake the heavens and the   some vision for the future, the nation will
        the people themselves seemed spiritually   earth.” Great days are coming soon! Do   burst forth with awesome vitality, like a
        unworthy of the task at hand. Most rabbis   not allow the frustrations of the moment   flourishing willow alongside a river.
        and scholars chose to remain in exile,   to bring you to despair, for G-d “will fill   Now  is  not  the  time  for  despair,  for
        and many of the pioneers who returned   this House with glory” (2:9).   depressing comparisons of our current
        were intermarried and lax in their Torah   We, too, are living in an age of disappoint-  moment with the destruction of the Beit
        observance. Unsurprisingly, the process of   ment. As we devolve into infighting, our   HaMikdash. It is a time for strength and
        rebuilding the Beit HaMikdash was delayed   enemies grow ever bolder. Those of us   hope, for the vision of Chaggai. For “the
        for many years, and the people despaired.  who live in Israel’s biblical heartland are   glory of this last House shall be greater
        Eighteen years after Cyrus’ dramatic dec-  afraid to drive on local roads and high-  than the first one… And in this place I will
        laration, the “new Yishuv” was floundering   ways, where Arab terrorists regularly   grant peace, says the L-rd of Hosts” (2:9).
        and the rebuilding had ground to a halt.   murder our neighbors at will. Those who
        At this critical moment, the prophet Cha-  remember the glorious days after the Six-
        ggai began to prophesy. “In the seventh   Day War, when Jews fearlessly walked the   Elie Mischel
        month, on the 21st day” – on Hoshanah   streets of Beit Lechem and Chevron with
        Rabbah – Chaggai directly addressed the   their heads held high, can only sigh in
        elephant in the room: “Who among you   bitter disappointment. Meanwhile, mil-
        is left, who saw this house in its former   lions of Jews remain in exile, with no plans
        glory? And as you see it now, is it not as   to return home. Most of all, 56 years after
        nothing in your eyes?” (Chaggai 2:3). Those   “Har HaBayit B’Yadeinu,” most Jews have all
        who still remembered the glory of the first   but forgotten our ultimate goal of rebuild-
        Beit HaMikdash, filled with “pure gold and   ing the Beit HaMikdash. Where is our pride,
                                            our strength, our belief in ourselves?
        precious stones” (Abarbanel), could only                                          Rabbi Elie Mischel
        feel depressed and disappointed by the   During times like these, we must remem-  is the Editor of HaMizrachi magazine.
        small scale of the current construction.   ber Chaggai’s Hoshanah Rabbah prophecy.

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