Page 59 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5784 North America
P. 59

and the arts. He was a member of the
        French Académie des Beaux-Arts and
        moved among intellectual circles. An art
        aficionado, he assembled an important
        collection of drawings and engravings,
        eventually bequeathing it to the Louvre.
        Rabbi Mohilever’s visit would convince
        Rothschild to refocus his considerable
        energy and passion to the cause of the
        Jewish people.

        Rabbi Mohilever describes being daunted
        by Rothschild’s courteous but cool
        demeanor. “For a brief moment,” he wrote,
        “I was flabbergasted, but then I suddenly
        reminded myself of the great purpose
        for which I had come, and I ignored my
        weaknesses and fragile health.” He pulled   Rishon LeZion in the 1880s (PHOTO: PUBLIC DOMAIN/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)
        himself together, and said:
                                            and have great difficulty communicating to   Israel] I will be delighted to hear Hebrew
        For years I was troubled by this vexing question:   you how rewarding this project will be for you   poetry.” Rabbi Mohilever’s stress on the
        Why was Moses, of all people, chosen to lead the
        Jewish people out of Egypt when he suffered   and for our people. If you accept my proposal   importance of this mission to ‘the spirit
                                            and heed your people’s request to revive this
        from such a debilitating speech impediment?                             of our nation’ made a deep impression on
        As a political leader and representative, he   barren land, it is only because the lot of this   Rothschild. On one visit to Israel, he urged
                                            ailing and oppressed nation has touched your
        had to speak to the king and to other govern-  heart. But if you dismiss my words and send me   the members of Zichron Ya’akov not only
        ment officials. The most basic requirement of                           to work diligently in developing the land,
        a spokesperson is to be a good communicator.   away empty-handed, I won’t regret my difficult   but also to “observe the principles of our
                                            journey with all its aches and pains – because
        Exactly what Moses was not!                                             faith, which is good and beautiful, and
                                            I have fulfilled the obligation placed upon me.   the ethics of Judaism, and our language.
        …I was perplexed by this question, but only   I’ve carried out my mission.  Be loyal sons of our religion and our land
        [now], during my trip to see you do I – as an                           so that you will be worthy of dwelling in
        emissary performing a mitzvah – suddenly real-  Rabbi Mohilever’s sincere words did   our ancestral country.” He understood it
                                            indeed touch the Baron’s heart. Together
        ize the answer. Moses was chosen to be not only                         was not money and practical labor alone
        the political leader of the Jewish people, but the   with Yechiel Brill, the editor and publisher   that would revive a dormant land, but the
                                            of the Hebrew newspaper  HaLevanon,
        giver of the Torah. G-d chose him not only for   Mohilever had developed a plan to set up   power of an idea. He once commented,
        the exodus from Egypt, but to bring the Jews   an agricultural colony in Eretz Yisrael. This   “The Zionists could not have done what
        to Mount Sinai to receive the Torah. Had Moses   land was purchased with the help of a loan   they did without my help... but I grew to
        been charismatic and eloquent, knowing how to                           understand that the Zionist idea worked
        influence people, the cynics would have claimed   from the Baron. The settlement became   in its spirit in the Land of Israel perhaps
                                            Rishon LeZion, and Rothschild would go
        that the Torah had come not from G-d but from                           more than my money did.” Rabbi Mohi-
        him, because he knew how to seize the moment   on to hire an agronomist to consult with   lever’s simple but powerful message
                                            the settlers, give the colony 30,000 German
        and mesmerize people into believing. But if the   franks in aid (while requesting that they   penetrated Baron Rothschild’s heart. His
        Jews accepted the Torah from a stutterer, it   not announce his  name publicly)  and   humble words that afternoon in Paris
        would prove that G-d spoke through Moses –   promise to extend additional support on   would go on to not only foster the physical
        that he was the messenger, not the sender.
                                            the condition that they absorb 10–15 more   development of the land, but to nourish
        My lord Baron, before this very table come rep-  families into the colony. During the years   its spiritual core.
        resentatives of many countries – some quite   1883–1889, Baron de Rothschild covered
        powerful, with power of attorney on behalf of   all the expenses of Rishon LeZion, Zichron
        great financial institutions. They come with   Ya’akov, Rosh Pina and Ekron, and donated
        different proposals: about building railroads or   over 5 million pounds for other settle-
        canals, or colonizing desolate lands. They come   ments. He paid to drain mosquito-filled
        armed with a wealth of information regarding   swamps and for clinics to care for malaria
        the topic they want to discuss. With their elo-  victims. In 1924, he established the Pal-
        quence, they can impress you, explaining why   estine Jewish Colonization Association
        their projects would be so profitable to you and   (PICA) which acquired more than 125,000
        beneficial for mankind.             acres of land in Israel.
        I also come to you with a proposal from my   Rothschild also established synagogues    Odelia Glausiusz
        people, a proposal so important that the spirit   and schools that encouraged the use of   recently moved to Jerusalem
        of our nation depends on it – the settling of the   Hebrew. “I have heard many French poems   where she works as a freelance
                                                                                       writer and content curator.
        Land of Israel. But I’m a man of heavy tongue   in France,” he said. “Here [in the Land of

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