Page 17 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 17

A Seven-Year Cycle

                    Owning Your Own Land in Israel

                 ike many Jews across the Diaspora, Rabbi David   It is rare to purchase private agricultural land in Israel, as
                 Ziering, a New York native, often dreamt of moving   the government owns most (just 3% of agricultural land
                 to Israel. In 1998, he fulfilled that dream by making   is available for private sale). But Ziering found a parcel
           LAliyah. Now he had a new goal: Fulfill the mitzvot   of private land in the heart of Givat Ada, an agricultural
             of Eretz Yisrael and teach Jewish wisdom.         community in central Israel named for Baron Edmond James
                                                               de Rothschild’s wife Adelaide (Ada).
             After 10 years, in 2008, Ziering founded and managed a
             non-profit called Aish Ha’Torah Tel Aviv & Ha’Sharon – a   Adama613 divided this land into 50 smaller parcels and just
             Jewish outreach program based in Tel Aviv and the Sharon   a few whole and partial pieces of land are still available.
             area of Israel where he teaches the relevance of Judaism
             to young Israelis.                                Shemitta
                                                               With the onset of Rosh Hashanah 5782, the Shemitta year
             Purchasing Land in Israel                         will begin. When most people think of Shemitta, what

             Ziering still didn’t feel like he’d unlocked all the opportu-  immediately comes to mind is the one year – the seventh
             nities the Land has to offer on a spiritual level. “A sixth of   year  – where the land rests. No work is done in the fields, no
             our Torah has to do with the Land of Israel and I needed   sowing, no plowing, no harvesting. Only what is necessary
             an opportunity to make it real for myself and others,” says   to keep the field alive is allowed, but nothing to make it
             Ziering. So, in 2019, he founded Adama613 to enable him-  prosper.
             self and others to own private agricultural land and fulfill   But Shemitta is really a seven-year cycle. Thirty land-depen-
             all the mitzvot dependent on the Land of Israel.  dent mitzvot are completed during this seven-year cycle,

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