Page 21 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 21

teshuvah down into several gateways,   positive obligation or commitment
                                        and making it closer and more accessi-  regarding ourselves, our family, our
                                        ble. But perhaps there is an additional   community, tzedakah, surfing the Inter-
                                        message here that: there are different   net, prayer, learning or something else.
                                        ways to achieve change. We do not   In this way, we assure ourselves that
                                        have to panic at what initially seems   all the promises and thoughts for the
                                        a daunting amount of work needed to   new year will not disappear. A little
                                        do teshuvah. We can and should find   something will remain and continue
                                        different gateways and paths which   to accompany us.
                                        speak to each one of us.         Some commentators explain that this
                                        In the same spirit, Rabbi Zusha is said   new commitment for the new year is
                                        to have taught: “I am not afraid of   like a new garment that a person buys
         Everyone needs                 being asked after my death, in Heaven,   – not for the body, but for the soul.
                                        why I was not Moshe Rabbeinu. I am   The commitment needs to be modest,
            to find their               not scared of being asked why I was   doable, and within reach.
                                        not Rambam. I’m just afraid they’ll ask   Rabbi Elimelech Biederman tells of
            path and try                me why I wasn’t a Zusha. “       when he was a student and approached
                                        Everyone needs to find their path   his rabbi at the beginning of the year
          to become the                 and try to become the best version of   and asked for a worthwhile commit-
                                        themselves.                      ment to take upon himself. His rabbi
                                                                         answered: think about, contemplate,
          best version of                                                and then choose an easy commit-
                                                                         ment that you are confident you can
            themselves.                 A small commitment               live up to throughout the year. Rabbi
                                                                         Biederman returned to his rabbi with
                                                bit of practical advice:   a promise to undertake a specific com-
                                                during the  Aseret Yemei   mitment. His rabbi then told him: now
                                                Teshuvah, between Rosh   cut that commitment in half so that
                                        A Hashanah and Yom Kippur,       you will be sure to fulfill it.
                                        it is customary for us to take upon our-
                                        selves a new commitment. To make                                  Members of
                                        one commitment regarding improve-  Sivan Rahav Meir and Yedidya Meir are   the Mizrachi
                                                                                                          Speakers Bureau
                                        ment in one area of life – and to persist   popular Israeli media personalities and World
                                        in living up to it. It could be any little   Mizrachi’s Scholars-in-Residence.

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