Page 26 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 26

“Jews from all over

                               came to secure the

                         streets to protect us.”

                           As Hamas terrorists launched thousands of rockets at Israeli towns
                          and cities this past May, Israeli Arabs rioted in Lod, part of a wave of
                          Arab violence throughout Israel. During nightly rampages, the rioters
                            firebombed Jew-owned cars and buildings, including a synagogue.

               LOD                                 For many years, Lod was seen as one of   an understanding that the communities
                                                   Israel’s least developed cities, with high
                                                                                     operate differently, but we have been
                                                   poverty and crime rates.          excellent neighbors.
                                                   Twenty years ago, two families decided   For me, living in the same building as
                                                   to form a Garin Torani, a group of reli-  Arabs has taught me a lot about their
                                                   gious families who would move to Lod   culture. I arrived with many stereo-
                                                   to strengthen the Jewish community   types, but now I know the culture first
                                                   here. The Garin Torani has since grown   hand, which has been very eye-opening.
                 TAHAEL HARRIS has lived in        significantly, now numbering a few
                 Lod for two years, with her       hundred families. The community has
                                                   a warm, small-town feeling and is in a
                 husband Yedidia and their two     fantastic location, only a few minutes   What was it like to be living in Lod
                 children, Yaela and Roi. In       from Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion Airport, and   during the riots?
                 July, we met with her as part     Israel’s main highway Route 6.    On Monday evening, May 10th, the
                 of Mizrachi USA’s Leadership      Lod is 70% Jewish and 30% Arab, but   riots began. That afternoon, we’d held
                 Solidarity Mission to Israel      our neighborhood of Ramat Eshkol is   an event in the cultural center, and we
                                                                                     had greeted the Arab women there as
                 and spoke with her about her      the reverse: 70% Arab and 30% Jews.   usual; everything felt normal. We were
                                                   In general, we have excellent relations
                 experience during the violence.   between the two communities. There is   caught off guard and never imagined
                                                                                     that we would ever be scared simply to
                                                                                     leave our homes.
                 Tell us about the Jewish commu-                                     On the first night, the rioters burned
                 nity in Lod and the “Garin Torani”                                  the local Beit Midrash of the pre-army
                 you are a part of. What was it like                                 Mechina, and crowds of young Arab
                 to live in a “mixed” city with Jews                                 men burned cars and threw stones at
                 and Arabs living together, before                    Tahael Harris with   Jewish homes. On the second evening
                 the May riots broke out?                             her family in Lod  of the riots, there were Arabs in our

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