Page 49 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 49
Ancient Embezzlement
Rivi Frankel
ncluded in the Yom Kippur vidui
is the request to be forgiven “for
the sin we have committed before
IYou by embezzlement.” While the
word embezzlement may conjure up
Wall Street and Ponzi schemes images
today, embezzlement in the ancient
world was often conducted by a mer-
chant using purposefully incorrect
weights and scales. We are commanded
many times in Tanach to ensure our
businesses’ weights and measures are
“You shall not have in your pouch alter-
nate weights, larger and smaller. You
shall not have in your house alternate
measures, a larger and a smaller. You A First Temple-period weight measure unearthed in an excavation. (PHOTO: ELIYAHU YANAI, CITY OF DAVID)
must have completely honest weights
and completely honest measures, if you mattocks, three-pronged forks, and financial sector. With remnants of
are to endure long on the soil that the axes, and for setting the goads.” shops, coins, and weights and measures
L-rd your G-d is giving you.” (Devarim As we see, this translation reflects the for scales, it is easy to be transported
25:13–15) new understanding of the word pim. back to a time when this part of Jeru-
salem was alive with business – much
Around the City of David and Temple However, pim is a hapax legomenon, a of it related to pilgrims coming to pray
Mount, archaeologists have discov- word only appearing in Tanach once. at the Temple.
ered many stones used as weights in As such, the commentators struggle
commerce during the First and Second to understand what this word means. How fitting that directly below where
Temple periods. The stones were often Mitzudat David suggests that it is a the people stood, anxiously waiting to
see the Kohen Gadol emerge from the
crafted out of local limestone and type of sharpening tool, and Rashi also Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur, a sign
marked with an Egyptian symbol that relates it to something that sharpens. of G-d’s forgiveness of the people’s sins,
resembles the Greek letter gamma, as It is only after Kenyon’s discovery that we find proof of the people’s dedication
the Egyptian weight system was the we can come to a more historically to following the Torah’s laws of honest
commonly used system in interna- accurate translation. business. The Torah is not restricted
tional trade. Next to this symbol would A pim is measured as two-thirds of a to ritual matters, nor is it limited to
be a demarcation of the stone’s weight. shekel and can be seen on display at the precincts of the Temple Mount. We
For example, two lines indicated a the Israel Museum. In the same room, are meant to walk in the way of G-d
two-shekel stone. Remarkably, these you will also find a stone with the word every day, in all of our interactions.
stones were consistently accurate; all netzef, weighing approximately five- The finding of consistent weights in
of the shekel stones weighed about 11.5 sixths of a shekel, as well as a stone the ancient streets of the City of David
grams. equating to 24 shekel. demonstrates that the Jews of antiq-
uity strove to serve G-d in every aspect
In the 1960s, Kathleen Kenyon found While the Temple Mount is often associ- of their lives. May we merit to do the
34 weights in a First Temple building ated with prayer and holiness, visiting same!
in the City of David. Most of them were the area reminds us that this was also a
shekel weights, but two of them had market center of the city. Of course, the
the word “pim” engraved on them. This City of David had administrative and Rivi Frankel is a tour guide in Israel working A member of the
added a new understanding to the verse commerce sections in the royal plazas, with individuals and groups from all back- Mizrachi Tour
Guides Bureau
found in Shmuel I 13:21: “The charge for but the area between the City of David grounds, and particularly with children and
sharpening was a pim for plowshares, and the Temple was also a bustling teens.
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