Page 46 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 46
The World Organization of
Orthodox Synagogues and Communities
Who are we?
he World Organization of
Orthodox Synagogues and
Communities, headed by Mr.
TDavid Ben-Na’eh, was estab-
lished in 2007 and is recognized as the
organization representing Orthodox
shuls and communities in Israel and
abroad before the National institutions:
KKL-JNF, the World Zionist Organiza-
tion and the Jewish Agency. The organization’s leadership and former Rishon LeTzion, Rabbi Shlomo Amar, with student olim.
The organization partners with Rabbis, What do we do abroad? We have also recently published an
academics and educators who have English translation of our “Luach Dinim
extensive experience in Jewish edu- The World Organization of Orthodox U’Minhagim” (Booklet of Laws and Cus-
cation, shuls and Jewish communities Synagogues and Communities runs toms). The prayer guide is the only one
in the Diaspora. With the exception “Connecting Communities,” a pro- printed with Israel-related tefillot and
of the office manager and CEO, all of gram designed to create personal rela- is being distributed free of charge to
our workers volunteer their time and tionships between communities and communities abroad. We also send a
synagogues in Israel with those in the
expertise. monthly ‘Law and Customs’ email with
diaspora. Currently, there are over 30 the laws of each Jewish month in Span-
communities in the program, running ish, French, English and Russian to
What do we do in Israel? joint activities and strengthening per- thousands of readers in the Diaspora.
Thus far, most of our work has focused sonal bonds with one another.
on Israel, where we support synagogues Each year on Yom HaZikaron, we run Finally, we combat acts of terror against
synagogues throughout the world by
in a variety of ways. a powerful program called “Mishnah advertising support and encourage-
With the goal of making Israeli syn- Leiluy Neshama,” in which thousands ment for affected communities.
agogues accessible to everyone, we of students worldwide join together to
assist synagogue boards in making study Mishnah in memory of those who What are your future
their premises handicap accessible and gave their lives defending our land. The plans in the Diaspora?
learning is coordinated through the
host conferences with relevant profes- World Organization of Orthodox Syna-
sionals on the topic of disabilities and gogues and Communities’ website and The World Organization of Orthodox
synagogues. Synagogues and Communities intends
is translated into five languages. to strengthen its activities and ties with
During the Covid pandemic, we have In celebration of Yom Yerushalayim, many other communities in the dias-
advocated on behalf of synagogues we run a “Worldwide Shabbat” that pora, assist them in relevant matters,
with government ministries. The World focuses on bringing peace to Jerusa- and be an address for them to con-
Organization of Orthodox Synagogues lem. The program includes the global nect with the State of Israel and with
and Communities was among the first recitation of a special prayer for peace Israel as a whole. To help accomplish
to publish and explain the guidelines in Jerusalem that was compiled, pub- this goal, the World Organization has
for tefillah during the pandemic and lished, translated and sent to Jewish recently partnered with World Miz-
partnered with the government in communities across the Diaspora. rachi to further our reach across the
making official decisions. Diaspora community.
We recently concluded the “World Gabai
We also work with converts to Juda- Conference” focusing on “Back to Shul If your shul or community would like to
ism throughout the conversion process, After Covid” and conducted in both be in regular contact with us or receive
helping them acclimate with host fami- Hebrew and English. The conference the monthly “Laws and Customs” in
lies and communities. Finally, we assist discussed a variety of halachic and English, Spanish or French, please
synagogues that service communities social issues related to the new reality email or visit our
of olim in Israel. following Covid. website at n