Page 42 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 42
Yamim Noraim Tefillot
Giving Words to a Wordless Act
Rabbi Jonny Brull
f the three blessings unique and with the verses of Shofarot, for the meanings. The blessing commences
to Mussaf on Rosh Hasha- blessing of Shofarot is for the shofar, so with a colorful description of the
nah, Shofarot is perhaps the that even when one has no shofar, he Divinely-induced shofar at Sinai, citing
Omost obscure and, on face will mention it and establish a blessing verses therefrom which convey G-d’s
value, superfluous. Whereas the other for it…” kingship – “the sound of the shofar grew
two blessings evoke themes related to I believe that Ritva’s two explanations very loud,” proceeding on to general
the essence of the day, the blessing of indicate different understandings as calls to sound the shofar as a declara-
Shofarot, whose content is about the to the nature of Shofarot. According tion of G-d’s majesty – “praise Him with
shofar, seems to be wholly unnecessary. to Ritva’s first answer, Shofarot is an the shofar blast.” Shofarot, like the shofar
Why, if we are already blowing the articulation of one of the facets of the blasts, is a declaration of G-d as King.
actual shofar, is it necessary to recite a day. Just as there are blessings of Mal- The blessing then progresses, from the
blessing dedicated specifically to this chuyot and Zichronot which reference shofar that once was to that which is
the holiday’s themes of kingship and yet to come, from the shofar of Sinai to
This notion is further remembrance, so too is there a blessing the “great shofar” that will be sounded
exacerbated upon of Shofarot which references the day’s at the time of the redemption. We now
analyzing the ratio- shofar blowing. pray that G-d should “sound the great
nale provided in Ritva’s second answer, however, offers shofar for our freedom” and ingather
the Gemara for a different approach for understanding the exiles with its call. Just like the
the recital of Shofarot. According to this explanation, shofar blasts, the text of Shofarot is
Shofarot: “Recite Shofarot is not a reference to the shofar timeless and all-encompassing in the
before Me on Rosh blowing which occurs on Rosh Hasha- themes that it evokes.
Hashanah Malchuyot, nah; rather, it is a substitute for it. The We ultimately conclude, however, not
Zichronot, and Shofarot: shofar blowing that is a pinnacle of Rosh with the wish that G-d should “sound”
Malchuyot – so that you Hashanah is referenced in prayer and the shofar, but that He should hear ours:
will crown Me over you; Zichro- embodied therein. The shofar blowing “Blessed… who hears the sound of the
not – so that your remembrance will is incorporated in the text itself. terua of His people Israel with mercy.”
ascend before Me for good; And with Thus, Shofarot is a two way relation-
what? With the shofar” (Rosh Hashanah To emphasize his point, Ritva evokes ship between G-d and us, much like the
16a). the following statement from the shofar blasts themselves. On the one
Tosefta: “Recite… Shofarot – so that your hand, we recognize the Divine shofar
This statement appears to be some- prayers will ascend in terua” (Tosefta call throughout history and yearn for
what flawed. It commences with all Rosh Hashanah 1:11). His “great shofar” that is yet to come.
three blessings and enumerates the Yet we also sound our own shofar and
purpose of each one yet, ultimately, it Ritva’s reference to this source is clear. recite our own Shofarot, praying that
omits the rationale for Shofarot, substi- The verses of Shofarot are, so to speak, G-d hears our terua in musical and tex-
tuting it with the all-encompassing role akin to the terua sounds of the shofar tual form. Hence, it is both the shofar
of the shofar itself. which accompany our prayers before
G-d. The blessing of Shofarot is in some blasts and their textual counterpart
Ritva (ad loc.) raises this question, and sense a textual equivalent to the shofar which accompany our Rosh Hashanah
offers two explanations: “It is obvious blasts, a provision of words for the wordless prayers before G-d: “And with what?
that once there is a shofar there should act of shofar. With the shofar.”
also be verses about the shofar.
This notion is reflected in the text
Furthermore, this is what it means: of Shofarot. Like shofar blowing itself, Rabbi Jonny Brull is the incoming Rosh Kollel
And with what? With the actual shofar the blessing of Shofarot has multiple for Torah MiTzion at Mizrachi Melbourne.
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