Page 40 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 40
Yamim Noraim Tefillot
Connecting with Avinu Malkeinu
Tova Levine
ow can we relate to Hashem the rest were far from exemplary. Due meet has surprised you by getting on
as a king nowadays? Have to the nature of the job description of the train early. Jumping up and run-
you ever met a king? I don’t a Human King, which includes wealth, ning over, you think to yourself, even
Hthink I have. Kings seem so power, making unilateral decisions, in that moment of great joy, what a pity
old-fashioned. and instilling fear into his subjects, that I still have another two hours on
most kings are often involved in blood- this train.” Just like the rider on this
Is it even a mitzvah to appoint a king? shed, warfare, seizing money and land,
Is monarchy the ideal form of gov- enslaving people, immoral behavior, train, the kings of Israel and the people
ernment? Rabbi Moshe Lichtenstein etc. We wouldn’t want to relate to of Israel missed the point! Hashem is
addresses these questions in his anal- Hashem as such. our Beloved King with whom we are
ysis of hilchot melachim: waiting to reconnect. The Kings of Yis-
In Malchuyot, we proclaim that Hashem rael and Yehudah were supposed to be
“Hashem gives Bnei Yisrael the guide- those holy conduits, like the train from
lines of a king if they decide to appoint is a unique King and there are none like the story, connecting Hashem to the
Him. There are never perfect human
a king over themselves Jewish people and vice versa.
when they enter Israel monarchs, Hashem is the epitome of
benevolent kingship. Hashem also
(Devarim 17:14). holds the record for the longest reign- Perhaps the most common in our lit-
Others through- ָ urgy is also Hashem as our own per-
out Tanach dis- ing monarch, י ֵמ ְלוע ְלּו אי ִה ך ְּ ל ֶ ׁש תּוכ ְל ַּ מ ַה sonal Father King looking out for our
ד ַע, “The kingdom is Yours, and to all
courage appoint- best interests, loving us, open for con-
ing a king. Gideon eternity.” versation and yet almighty and pow-
refuses the people An example of a modern monarch, erful, who can make anything happen
when they ask him Queen Elizabeth II, who is the longest for us.
to rule over them – reigning incumbent human monarch,
G-d will rule over you! is peacefully leading a parliamentary Let’s try to get past the imagery of a
(Shoftim 8:23). Then system of government. Her face is Human King of flesh and blood, and
Shmuel warns the people at on currency and stamps; the Royal Celebrity King where there is no build-
length about the negative aspects Warrant is on tea, coffee, chocolate, ing of a true relationship and hopefully
of having a king, “the king will take and even baked beans! It’s debatable relate to Hashem as our Beloved King or
your slaves, tithe your flocks, take your whether she actually has power or personal Father King. Let’s try to con-
sons as soldiers, and seize your fields” remains an influential force, leading nect with the true meaning of Avinu
(Shmuel I, 8:1–22). Abrabanel believes by example. She’s a celebrity figurehead Malkeinu.
that the model of a republic is more with a lot of wealth. Yet we want more
prosperous than the dangers of a tyran- than to relate to Hashem as a Celebrity
nical despot. The Rambam and others King, only being able to connect by 1 Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein, “The Command-
claim that monarchy is the chosen looking in from the outside. Just to get ment to Appoint a King,” Jewish Political Theory,
form of government and that there’s a backstage passes once in a while is an Hilkhot Melachim (2016).
mitzvah to appoint a king.” However, empty relationship with no reciprocity. 2 Miriam Kosman, Circle, Arrow, Spiral: Exploring
in conclusion, the rabbis are still in Gender in Judaism (2014).
disagreement as to whether there is a Miriam Kosman relates the following:
“Imagine taking a train to meet your
mitzvah to appoint a king or not.
Beloved. You can barely wait to get Tova Levine has an MSW from the Hebrew
A quick survey of kings in Jewish there. The train makes a stop along University of Jerusalem. She is a graduate
history will show the first few kings, the way, you wait impatiently to get of World Mizrachi’s Shalhevet leadership
Shaul, David, and Shlomo, were good moving again and suddenly notice a program, and currently serves as Co-Direc-
kings [as well as a couple of others familiar figure boarding – it is them! tor of Education for the Hale Adult Hebrew
down the line], but not perfect – and The very person you got on the train to Education Trust in Manchester, UK.
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