Page 41 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 41

Yamim Noraim Tefillot


                    Why Does the Akeida Take

                                     Center Stage?

                                                Gila Chitiz

          n the Zichronot section of Mussaf   father Avraham and said: ‘Old man, old   commandment? How should we react
          on Rosh Hashanah, we call on   man! Have you lost your mind [lit. have   when we cannot relate to a particular
          G-d to remember the merit of   you lost your heart]? You are going to   mitzvah that we are obligated to per-
      Iour ancestors as He judges us for   slay a son given to you at the age of a   form? The Akeidah teaches us that serv-
      our shortcomings. A key event in the   hundred!’ ‘Even this I do,’ replied he…  ing G-d is not always meant to be clear-
      Zichronot section is the famous story of   [Samael said:] ‘Tomorrow He will say   cut or easy. Even though as humans
      the Akeida, the binding of Yitzchak. The   to you, “You are guilty of murder, you   we question, we doubt and sometimes
      Akeida appears in several of the High   murdered your son!” He replied: ‘Still I   we don’t understand, but we still do.
      Holiday prayers, and is highlighted as   go’.” (Bereishit Rabba 56:4)  We must always seek out answers,
      the Torah reading for the second day of   Nechama Leibowitz explains that dia-  grapple with interpretations,
      Rosh Hashanah. Why does this event                                 strive for explanations.
      take center stage in our tefillot at this   logue is a symbolic representation of   But even when our solu-
                                       Avraham’s internal struggle: “The voice
      time of year?                                                      tions are unsat-
                                       of the tempter in the guise of an old
      The Akeida story is controversial, and   man is none other than the prompt-  isfactory, as
                                                                         believing Jews,
      many classical and contemporary com-  ings of Abraham’s own heart during   we commit to this
      mentators question Avraham’s behav-  those three momentous days. One by   struggle because it is
      ior. Why did he not challenge G-d’s   one doubts assail him – the voice of the   a commitment to G-d.
      commandment? Avraham’s appeal to   tempter.”
      G-d to spare even the few righteous of                             During the  Yamim
      the city of Sedom proves that he was   The Midrash hints that Avraham did   Noraim, we reaffirm our
                                       not set out enthusiastically in the ful-
      not afraid to challenge G-d’s decisions.   fillment of G-d’s command, but rather   dedication to G-d, declaring
      Why did he not fight for his son?                                  His Kingship over the world and
                                       was filled with inner turmoil. He was a   us His nation. A nation of humans,
      Rashi praises Avraham for the enthu-  deeply devoted servant of G-d, but also   doing our best to fulfill the Divine
      siasm and excitement with which   a father with immense love for his only   laws. Sometimes we fail and fall, but
      he seemingly set off to perform G-d’s   son. Rav Yehuda Amital points out that   on Rosh Hashanah, we declare to G-d
      command. Personally, I struggle with   this tension is expressed in one of our   that we are getting up and trying again
      Rashi’s reading as it makes Avraham   best known selichot: “He who answered   because we are committed to Him. This
      seem super-human. What normal    Avraham  Avinu at  the  Mountain  of   was Avraham’s message and is still ours
      father could embark on a mission to   Moriya, He should answer us.” While   today.
      slaughter his only son without any hes-  ascending the mountain, the location
      itation?! And so I would like to suggest   intended for the slaughter of his son,
      an alternative reading of the Akeida   Avraham cried out to G-d, begging for
      which can shed light on the centrality   a reversal of the decree. But at the very
      of this story in our liturgy.    same time, he continued to prepare to
                                       sacrifice his beloved son, in subservi-  Gila Chitiz recently returned to Israel from
      The Midrash records a conversation                                 Johannesburg, South Africa, where she and
      between Avraham and the angel    ence to G-d’s decree.             her family served as World Mizrachi shlichim.
      Samael on his way to the site of the   This narrative portrays our strug-  A graduate of World Mizrachi’s Shalhevet
      Akeida: “‘And Yitzchak spoke to Avra-  gle, on one hand as Jews and as ovdei   leadership program, Gila is currently provid-
      ham, his father, and said: My father’   Hashem, and yet as humans. What do   ing a variety of professional editorial services
      (Bereishit 22:7). Samael went to our   we do when we do not understand a   to Koren Publishers Jerusalem.

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